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Everything posted by papsrus

  1. Yes, the reviews for this one were glowing about the sound quality as well.
  2. My No. 2 costs $12 at Super Clips (kind of the McDonald's of the hair-cutting industry).
  3. Very much enjoying the "Never No Lament" discs. On steady rotation since arriving yesterday. Beautiful. Also got a knock on the door last night (night!) and the UPS man had left a copy of the Newport 56 disc. Went directly to the Gonsalves solo. Wow! The band a hootin' and a hollerin' away in the background. Great stuff. Ordered the following this morning following comments here:
  4. Yes. I was just thinking about perfection in sports in general, however it's measured from sport to sport. Still a rare thing, whether by a team or individual. If you look at Comaneci, for example. Yes, she was awarded the first-ever perfect score, but she finished with five individual golds, an individual bronze and a team silver -- not perfect in that sense. Yet still the perfect 10 is a landmark and a sign she achieved a measure of perfection in her sport. I take your point though.
  5. Yeah, it has to do with the closeness of the crop. No. 1 is one step up from bald. No. 2 is not far off either. You're filling me with confidence. I will try it! ... someday ... .... maybe ...
  6. Laughed when I read this. I go for the No. 2 all around once every four months or so. Zip, in and out in minutes. I actually had to look around for a barber to do this! I tried three or four who considered themselves "hair stylists," and wanted to style me up a bit instead. And one who actually huffed in an exasperation that, yes, OK, he would shave my head, but he didn't want me telling anyone where I'd gotten my hair cut because it was going to look terrible! Just terrible! ... I was a little nervous as he finished up. Never been back.
  7. Yesterday: Loved it. Loved it. Spun both back to back again early this morning.
  8. Hah! Cool. Might be time for an orientation meeting soon. Check out the Artists Forum WB3. Lots of great threads in there. The View New Posts link at the top is handy, too. Even though I've posted here a bit, I'm still kind of feeling my way around getting used to the way it all operates, but it's very cool. And there's a LOT of knowledgeable folks around. Which is great. Learning a lot. cheers
  9. Beyond voter registration, which I'd always viewed as benign, the general concern about the government's endless appetite for personal information is a concern I share. The current regime is obsessed with knowing everything they can about everyone, all in the name of security. They say London is the most heavily "watched" city in the world, with security cameras everywhere. This is a little different than a paper trail, but not much different, with the advent of face recognition software. They have started putting these cameras up here in the U.S. as well. In Tampa they are stationed around Ybor City, a Cuban area of town known for its nightlife, and elsewhere. These sorts of things always end up being challenged in court by individuals who claim their right to privacy is being violated, and it seems like the argument usually fails, for one reason or another. (No standing to sue, no right to privacy in a public place, you're free to chose not to go to Ybor City, etc.) Meanwhile, government creeps further and further into our lives, monitoring us on the streets, listening to our phone calls, calling for national ID cards. ... ! Of course, the inevitable counterargument is, if you haven't done anything wrong you have nothing to fear. But that's sort of beside the point, IMO. It is government imposing itself on individuals in order to "force" certain behaviors. Don't get intoxicated and wander the streets of Ybor City, you'll be noticed. Don't hang around with the wrong crowd in Ybor City, it's being recorded. It strikes me as odd that the same people who jump up and down for less government are often the same ones who apparently have no problem with this ever-growing security blanket (here in the U.S., anyways). (I guess the London security cameras are the hook here, as far as remaining tethered to the initial post .... ) /rant
  10. In Olympics, Eric Heiden! At the 1980 Lake Placid Games, he won gold in all five men's speed-skating events. Can't do any better than that... Al Oerter threw the discus at four Olympic Games, and won gold every time, though he was generally considered an underdog. Emil Zatopek won gold in all three events he competed in (5000m, 10000m, marathon) at the 1952 Olympics. Paavo Nurmi won gold in all five Olympic events he contested at Paris 1924 (one was a team cross-country race). He wasn't too shabby at Antwerp 1920 either: two individual golds, one individual silver, one team gold. Teofilo Stevenson won 3 consecutive Oly golds in heavyweight boxing, and had a reputation for invincibility. Alberto "El Caballo" Juantorena won the 400m/800m double at Montreal 1976, the only athlete to ever accomplish the feat. Edwin Moses had an incredible unbeaten streak in the 400m hurdles (122 races, 107 finals). Set four WRs, won two Oly golds (1976 and 1984; USA boycotted 1980). [Edited to add more athletes and include non-US ones. I used to be an athletics (track and field) fan...] Thanks! Yeah, I thought about Moses, a lot of undefeated "seasons." Olympic athletes are so finely tuned (or tuned up) and their disciplines so focused that I would imagine it's not all that unusual for an athlete to have a perfect record in a given Olympic games. I like the Heiden, Oerter, Nurmi and Zatopek references though, because of the number of events they contested. I wonder what Stevenson's overall record was? He may have gone undefeated throughout his career, yes?
  11. Nice to see you hepcat! It comes down to this, IMO. One site views its boards largely as a way to channel traffic to its core 'business,' while the other views its boards as a genuine community. ... I don't know how many times I heard the phrase "I've got a business to run." ... as in, I can't be bothered with managing board disputes, so -- comments deleted, topic locked, member(s) banned or driven away. ... seems to me, anyways ...
  12. I'm trying to come up with other perfect achievements in sports. Excluding college football, which is too easy (relatively), here's what I have so far: * Nadia Comaneci's perfect 10s in the Montreal Olympics * Bobby Knight's 75-76 Indiana Hoosiers go undefeated (and 6 or 7 other college teams before them, including three Bruin teams, I think) * 72 Dolphins * Mark Spitz going 7 for 7 golds in Munich * Rocky Marciano's undefeated record in the Heavy weight boxing division * Don Larsen's perfect World Series game in 1956 (one of only 17 total perfect games in MLB history) --- I think there must be more Olympic athletes that went undefeated. Or other perfect records in sports outside the U.S. (soccer?) Can anyone else think of any other examples?
  13. Indeed
  14. I had the pleasure of attending one of the March performances. Made a weekend in NYC out of it. Great energy, great music.
  15. Duke Ellington plays the Britney Spears song book? MG Yep. That might be a train wreck. OTOH, if anyone could do it ..... "Swingin' With Brit -- The Not So Sweet Suite"
  16. ... as I mop up coffee droplets off my desk.
  17. popcorn? ... Tiny slices of watermelon maybe. ... ? Well, you all should have these meals tonight! (Except for the McDonald's guy). ... Why wait? (Starting to feel hunger pangs) ....
  18. ^ Enjoyed BB&B very much. The alternate takes were fun, with studio banter and such. Very nice. "Uptown" is now kicking off with a BANG! --- Skin Deep. I'm awake! ... Surprisingly clear sound (and the volume is up pretty high at the moment). Two-for-two today, I'd say. .... Is there such thing as a bad Ellington album?
  19. I've never seen anything quite like it, have you? Hello... another refugee? MG Yes, it's me, Sandi Sandi! ... Very good to see you here. I might as well chime in and say although I've posted here off and on in the past, I count myself as part of the pool of refugees washing ashore here. And I'm finally taking the time to get familiar with the nooks and crannies here. Very nice. Really dig the musicians corners. A wealth of information. Was very glad indeed to see Bev, seeline and now other displaced AAJ-ers here now.
  20. I'm not certain what it would be, but one thing's certain: It would be the most outrageously expensive and lingering meal I've ever had.
  21. Ah ... my apologies. Never quite sure how closely anyone outside the U.S. pays attention to all this madness. I think they just ship that party affiliation information directly off to robo-call centers and direct mail marketers. All very annoying.
  22. Being a somewhat impatient sort, and not willing to waste a Sunday without some new Ellington to listen to while waiting for the postman to arrive on Monday, I shuffled off to my neighborhood Barnes and Noble and plucked these two titles from among the heavy dose of "best of" compilations on the shelves. Starting things off with "Black, Brown and Beige." The very good liner notes talk about Ellington being foremost an "observer of life," able to communicate even a story like this one with both humor and sadness. From the notes: "When the Negro got shipped over here from Africa, he thought he was going to be eaten," he explained. "Think how relieved he must have been when he found out all he had to do was work." -- sad, yet conveyed with humor. He must have been something. ... The notes here provide a nice shorthand guide to each of the six parts. Beautiful!
  23. I will look for that one. Thanks Bev. Sadly, none of the Ellington I've been ordering recently has arrived yet. Nor the Basie Complete Decca. I trust by next week I'll be chin deep in it.
  24. Doo wah!!!?????? What's the point of having a vote if, in registering, you have to say which party you support? And what an intrusion into personal privacy!!!! Some things about America simply astound me (I'm limp as a glove) MG Just in the primaries MG, where party members are picking their party's presidential candidate. And certain states have "open" primaries, where anyone can vote either party. In Florida we have a closed primary. Dems vote for their preferred Dem candidate. Repubs for theirs. Independents don't get to vote. The idea is (I think) to prevent sabotage from the opposition, where they gang up and vote for your party's least viable candidate.
  25. Hank Mobley Complete Blue Note Fifties Sessions, Disc 6, and it's swingin' :
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