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Everything posted by 4XB

  1. Stefan Schumacher, winner of the Amstel Gold Race today! I watch all the races on TV. Do my shopping by bike.
  2. 4XB

    Mono cartridge

    Yes , those without mono cartridges or without a mono button on their amp can put two Y adaptors between the turntable and the amp . No need to rewire the cartridge itself . The two male RCA jacks from the turntable are put into a Y adaptor with two female RCA jacks going into one male RCA jack . This male RCA jack is then put into a Y adapator with one female RCA jack going into two male RCA jacks . These two male RCA jacks are then plugged into the phono stage of your amp . Using a Y-connecter sums the channels to give a nominally L + R signal. This is the horizontal information on the record. The vertical information is L - R. The problem is that cartridges have crosstalk, both from left to right channels and from L + R to L - R (the same thing if you think about the math of it). By using a Y- connecter, you get the L + R signal plus some of the L - R signal via crosstalk. A true mono cartridge never picks up any L - R information in the first place , so there is no way it can contaminate the L + R signal. [Posted by chickenlogic ( A ) on January 06, 2005. Vinyl Asylum]
  3. JAZZ PARTYColumbia CL-1323 ( demonstration copy, mono, white & red label)
  4. Cool Bruel Max Bruel Quartette, Mercury MG-36062.
  5. Fats Navarro Memorial - Fats - Bud - Klook - Sonny - KinneySAVOY MG-12011
  6. Ernie Wilkins presents ''TOP BRASS'' SAVOY MG-12044
  8. ''BORDERLINE''Ray McKinley/Eddie Sauter, SAVOY MG 12024
  10. THE GAMBIT Shelly Manne and his Men, Volume 7, Contemporary C3557.
  11. 4XB

    Mono cartridge

    I`ve removed the overprint with sandpaper to get a flat and tight connection with the headshell. (Important) My Denon DL 102
  12. 4XB

    Mono cartridge

    The "mono" switch on your Sugden simply sums the two channels into one. Every sound picked up in each channel is now played back in both channels. This is great for "electronically reprocessed" stereo records, but does not enjoy the benefits of true mono playback. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was told that a mono cartridge does exactly the same thing, i.e., that it's wired to sum the left and the right to give you mono. A mono cartridge generate only signal from the horizontal movement and it is complete insensitive to the vertical axis. A mono pressing has no information in the vertical axis. There is just dirt and groove dammage. Please do`nt fool with your Linn. Buy a cheap second one when you are ready for it.
  13. 4XB

    Mono cartridge

    I have 2 arms and 2 phonostage`s.
  14. Ray Draper Quintet, New Jazz 8228 ( Japanese pressing)
  15. 4XB

    Mono cartridge

    The "mono" switch on your Sugden simply sums the two channels into one. Every sound picked up in each channel is now played back in both channels. This is great for "electronically reprocessed" stereo records, but does not enjoy the benefits of true mono playback.
  16. 4XB

    Mono cartridge

    Yesterday I mount a new mono cartridge and I`m playing really mono at the moment. It`s big fun.Sounds amazing to me. Are there more members playing mono?
  17. I.M.O. The best sounding ( 33 RPM ) reissue`s you can buy at the moment are the EMI-Toshiba ( Japanese), but they are 4 times expensive as your local Capitol`s. But what about the Capitol quality?.... For the price, they seem pretty damn good to my (admitidly) unqualified ears... Quality is not bad and I`m sure you enjoy these records. Hurry and go for the George Braith albums.
  18. I.M.O. The best sounding ( 33 RPM ) reissue`s you can buy at the moment are the EMI-Toshiba ( Japanese), but they are 4 times expensive as your local Capitol`s.
  19. The Fabulous Thad Jones. VIJ-5008M ( 1976 Japanese reissue on Victor) Sounds Really Big!
  20. Not sure, perhaps Chuck knows ? RCM manufacturers claim that it sticks to new LPs and its removal (from a new pristine LP) improves playback. No support yet for that claim from the feedback here, so far. Here is mine: I d`nt play uncleaned records any more for the last 6 years. Buy a new record play it, clean it on a decent RCM and listen again.
  21. Yessss, clean all your records, even the brand new one`s. Please. Avoid alcohol in your cleaning fluid!!! Buy a concentrate ( Okki Nokki, Clearaudio or L`art du Son) and use distilled water.
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