Co-sign. Especially distressing to see non-problematic and longtime members (Paul Secor, Soulpope, etc) leaving the board because of a moderator’s tone of discourse. (We lost another valuable and civil contributor because of *two* moderators, one of whom is no longer active.) I stick around regardless because this is still my favorite jazz forum, a lot of great content gets posted here, and nobody’s perfect. So spare me sanctimonious edicts and condescendingly homey asides—I get that I’m free to leave at any time. (I have no inclination to do so.) I’ve been wary of stating this and honking off the resident sheriff, but given that Medjuck, surely one of our kindest and gentlest posters, has said something, I feel the need to back him up. A moderator driving away longtime civil members and always positing it all as delusions, vanity, a misguided showdown of pride, a misunderstanding, or some other personal failing on the members’ part is not a healthy pattern.
This forum has had a remarkably long run, even if it’s not as active or as populated as it used to be. Given that 22 years is about a century in social media time, it’s amazing that it persists. That’s in large part because of its member core, so yeah, it’s a bummer to see people like Paul and Soulpope leave because of discourse clashes with a moderator. The forum will fall victim to time as all of us will, and the world will go on as it always does, etc. All the more important to speak your piece while we’re here.