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Lazaro Vega

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About Lazaro Vega

  • Birthday 04/30/1960

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  • Location
    Spring Lake, MI

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  1. This is an unbelievably intense performance by Jack DeJohnette, and with the recent passing of Roy Haynes, that influence couldn't be more top of mind listening to him wail and assail, converse and breath through the nearly half hour long blowing tunes here. In-freaking-credible. I brought the advance download CDR burn to a local record store, they couldn't believe what they were hearing, ordered 4 of the vinyl version and sold them before they arrived. And they can't get any more. They all went to young buyers.
  2. He's in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with Kahil El Zabar on June 2nd. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kahil-elzabar-and-david-murray-jazz-duo-tickets-896623814967?aff=oddtdtcreator&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR10kBZJqPKPTgJrlz0POpriS6kPPkJBaNexaG8y4ZagIrll1_84nMHjIx8_aem_AQA4ldEZcnuAWzK86JqmiTKr9vvrOlrrO8BkiZvppEC0Tuq6Y8FZp9MbF1ENOBTETz88Xij7QZOzxitmdMoOYCU8
  3. I read the Chick Webb bio this summer, "Rhythm Man," that did a great job on her early career, too.
  4. I don't know. The lp boxes were donated to the radio station.
  5. In the CD liner notes for Body Meta Ornette writes that "Body Meta is the first Prime Time recording. The Dancing In Your Head release came from these sessions." And the booklet to the CD lists "Barclay Studio, Paris, 1975" as the recording date for Body Meta. Little help? WIKI lists different dates for Dancing In Your Head and Body Meta, with Dancing In Your Head from 1975, and Body Meta from December 19, 1976.
  6. Blue Lake is featuring this music on the radio tonight in the first 20 minutes of the 10 p.m. and 11 p.m. hours eastern time streaming from www.bluelake.org/listen
  7. It came out in the gimambo Commodore Set from Mosaic.
  8. Payne's attack as a member of Dizzy's big band was hard and he kept that as a signature of his approach -- like Pepper Adams or Nick Brignola and even Serge, he hit it hard. Have yet to own or listen to his Zodiac Suite album. The "Birdology" release your wife found for you was probably a concert recording of Bird's tunes and one original from a tribute given in France in 1989 with Jackie Mac, Johnny Griffin, Payne, Duke Jordan, Roy Carter, Roy Haynes and Don Sickler. Came out on CD in 2002 on Dreyfus.
  9. Thanks for the link about The Ear Regulars on Fresh Air. That's what go me started on this as they quote "Sweet Sue" during their performance of "Vignette" on the new album "Live at the Ear Inn," on Arbors. Jon-Erik went to Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp back in the 1970's. Just missed him coming to Blue Lake Public Radio with James Dapogny's Chicago Jazz Band (his replacement was good but I've yet to hear Kellso live. Someday!).
  10. Hi Gang, A couple of recent live recording sessions from our studios here in the Manistee National Forest at Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp. On November 14, 2023 The Bridge, a transatlantic network for jazz and creative music, brought Cancel Rescue Mission to the radio station. With Corey Wilkes trumpet, electronics and a table full of sound makers; Justin Dillard with his signature sounding Hammond SKX and a couple of smaller keyboards, as well as a vocal interface, representing for Chicago. Then from France there is Quentin Biardeau on tenor saxophone and synthesizer; and Etienne Ziemnaik, drums. At one point, you will hear excerpts of Hubert Reeves discussing The Big Bang (in French) as well as a sample of Saul Williams’ poem “A Toast to All People.” And we speak to the musicians. Here’s the link: https://bluelake.ncats.net/ondemand/Studio%20Performances-Cancel%20Rescue%20Mission-0-2023114.mp3 On October 17, 2023 pianist Mara Rosenbloom was lead in getting the New York based collective XXE into the station, with Gabby Fluke-Mogul on violin and Tcheser Holmes on drums. Fluke-Mogul studied under Roscoe Mitchell at Mills College and is a Roulette 2023 Jerome Artist in Residence, and Tcheser Holmes is percussionist for the band Irreversible Entanglements. Hearing the trio play shorter pieces is unlike the majority of their performances that usually stretch, uninterrupted, for up to an hour. And it was good to speak to all three musicians. Here’s the link: https://bluelake.ncats.net/ondemand/Studio%20Performances-XXE%20violin%20piano%20drums%20In%20Session-0-20231017.mp3 Thanks for listening! Lazaro Vega, producer and host Steve Albert, engineer Thanks to Dave Postma Piano Tuning of Hudsonville, Michigan. Jazz From Blue Lake airs Monday through Friday beginning at 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. eastern time via https://www.bluelake.org/listen
  11. It's kind of a "Watusi" tune on the head, but then goes straight ahead for the solos. Credited to Bird on the AudioFidelity/Charlie Parker Recods lp re-issue, so thanks for the info.
  12. it's "I Want To Be Happy" (per Jon-Erik Kellso)
  13. Hank Jones contributed "Vignette" (based on Sweet Sue, Just You) to The High and Mighty Hawk. There's also "Get Set." Dumb question: is that a contrafact, or a blues, or "just" an original....?
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