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Everything posted by Unk

  1. I know some people around here like the place, so a quick heads-up: big feature on Yoshi's, front page, above-the-fold in tomorrow's Chron. Not yet posted to SFGate website.
  2. Milt Buckner? Where's Milt Buckner? I'm not suggesting he should be at the TOP of the list, but...
  3. I bought the Zone Alarm security suite...TWICE...for two computers. I utterly hate it. I've never seen so much performance degradation from a piece of software. Slow, slow, slow.
  4. Holy shit... Actually, I'm glad I tanked up yesterday. Today, the lowest price within 10 miles (according to AAA) is $4.25 for 'regular'. I'd be pushing four-and-a-half for mid-grade. Ah, Northern California... AAA
  5. Paid $4.249 today for mid-grade. Low grade was a mere $4.099.
  6. Yes, you are correct. You need the Max Roach set.
  7. Only one? Yeah, I suppose Amoeba would be the one. But there are several: Jazz Quarter, Jacks, Grooves, Rasputins, Rooky Ricardos, Aquarius... Don't get me started on the East Bay.
  8. Unk


    I've got the original CD issue, but haven't listened to it in a while. I know I should. The cover was so ugly, I had to turn it over. Not a high point in Blue Note cover art history. Landslide's definitely a good 'un.
  9. Several of these valve/tube iPod accessories around. I haven't heard one that really impressed me. http://www.thanko.jp/ibluetube/ http://www.vuumaudio.com/ Cain Labs - http://blog.scifi.com/tech/archives/2006/0...i2_ipod_do.html RockridgeSound - http://www.i4u.com/article7207.html Roth Audio (Cocoon) - http://www.rothaudio.co.uk/
  10. I had the one in my head. Lotta good that does you, eh? Thanks for the welcome.
  11. Now here's a quote: If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDED FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD WAS MUSIC Vonnegut's Blues For America 07 January, 2006 Sunday Herald
  12. * Just wanted to try that. See what it looked like. Ah, Breakfast of Champions.
  13. Hi ho... And now who's got the senile hiccups?
  14. It's cool, though it don't swing. http://economist.com/screensaver/ Unfortunately, it misses big hunks of the world. Edit: Sorry, this is a screensaver, rather than background. My background is rotating photos I took back in the 70s and 80s: Chet, Moody, Woody H, Pony Poindexter, Earl Hines, Clark T, Zoot...and me.
  15. I've got and would recommend the Adams, Kamuca and Rosolino. Nice West Coasterly stuff on the latter two. I've also got the Harper, Cooper/Candoli, Geller and Marsh. I can't say I recall them well-enough right now to advise purchase or distance. Depending on how you feel about Mr. D'Imperio/Bopera House, you might like his stuff here. I like it. It's an energetic and 'together' Big Band sound. BTW, this is all on LP; don 't think I have any VSOP on CD except one or two D'Imperios.
  16. We haven't met, but I'll add my birthday wishes. Anyone named "Bright Moments" has gotta be cool. I can remember hiding under the piano at the Keystone Korner when Ro let loose, then fleeing when Ron Burton (?) or Hilton Ruiz (?) or Todd Barkan leapt in, already a step behind the whirlwind.
  17. Vonnegut made me a writer. Not a good one, perhaps. Trying to emulate the great - as improvisors know - is a fool's game. But I took what I could and applied it as effectively as I could with my own voice. I suffer from Writers' Stutter. This is my first post under a name that I took from Vonnegut's work. I registered for the name a while back and am just now getting around to using it. "I was the victim of a series of accidents", Unk says in Sirens of Titan. Indeed. The Unk name has other meanings too, but I'll cop to this one today. By way of introduction, and as something of a in-context farewell to Vonnegut, I've stolen the following from the VerticallyDark blogspot; some may recognize Sirens of Titan: ------------------------------ Rented a tent, a tent, a tent; Rented a tent, a tent, a tent. Rented a tent! Rented a tent! Rented a tent, a tent, a tent. It was, of course, the sound a snare drum once made on Mars when ten thousand marching infantry men formed into a hollow square on a parade ground of solid iron one mile thick. One of the soldiers in the parade was called Unk.....he was called Unk because it was a custom that officers who were busted down to private were given names like Pops, Gramps or Unk - Unk had been picked out by his buddies as the best soldier in the platoon. It turns out he was the platoon's fuck up. Rented a tent, a tent, a tent; Rented a tent, a tent, a tent. Rented a tent! Rented a tent! Rented a tent, a tent, a tent. That was the sound used to control the minds of the ten thousand soldiers on parade of which Unk was one.
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