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  1. Oh, and if you are in Ballard there is always Bop Street records located in the historic district (they can tell you the exact address at Sonic Boom). Not my favorite place by any means, but if you have some time might be worth checking out. Just be prepared to haggle on all pirces and spend some time in their huge, unorganized basement. Again, not a destination... but if you have the time, then check it out. There are some pretty cool bars and restaurants in that area as well.
  2. I'd also check out Easy Street Records in Lower Queen Anne. They have a pretty good used Jazz CD and LP section--worth checking out. Easy Street Records 20 West Mercer Street There is also a store around the corner on Queen Anne Ave that might be worth checking out. Jive Time is great. If you have some time to dig, you're sure to find something--ask them about their annex in the Antique Mall just down the street.
  3. Just sent you a PM re: the Lud Gluskin set. Thanks! Alejandro
  4. Hello Paul, I'm interested in the Bill Dixon. I'll send you an e-mail. Thanks! Alejandro
  5. They'll be in Seattle tomorrow night at the Asian Art Museum. I've been looking forward to this all week!
  6. I received my copy last Friday and have only had time to listen to the first two discs. Needless to say, I am really enjoying the musical selections and accompanying commentary. Looking forward to listening to the rest of set one as well as sets two, three, and four as they are released.
  7. Sounds like a great set! Just sent you an e-mail. Thanks! Alejandro
  8. Great show! I just listened to it as the clouds rose on a moody Seattle morning--a perfect soundtrack to the day.
  9. According to Comcast the run time is 77 min. I'm not sure if they include the two promos the show before the film in this total.
  10. I watched this movie last night after reading about it on another board and really enjoyed it. Like a previous poster mentioned it was very interesting to hear Cecil Taylor talk about his creative process. It was also cool to see Mr. Taylor going out to see live music in NYC. The scenes with Billy Bang and Mal Waldron are great in my opinion. The concert footage is excellent. I’ve never had the opportunity to see him live, so it was a treat to see him perform in many different contexts. I think I’ll watch it again next week, as I often distracted by trying to figure out what books and records where scattered around his Brooklyn Brownstone. I don’t think you stream the video online. It’s part of the Palm Video on Demand Film Festival. Here is a link to a review of the actual film: CECIL TAYLOR: ALL THE NOTES. I agree with the reviewer that the editing is a bit herky-jerky. I’m sure that this will probably be released on Palm DVD sometime this year at a reasonable cost.
  11. I received my copy of Stepping Stones today and it plays fine. In fact I listened to the CD twice to make sure it didn't skip or contain distortion--also because I really like this record. Sounds like I lucked out this time.
  12. Hello Jazzmoose, I'd be interested in this one, if it's still available. I'll send an e-mail momentarily and will add a few things to the thread tonight. Thanks! Alejandro
  13. Looking forward to the MTM release also, as well as Season Three of Bob Newheart. Question Regarding Zone Free DVD Players Does anyone here have a Zone Free DVD player? If so how do you like it? What are the best models available? My budget is about $125. I've done a bit of research and have learned enough to avoid the really cheap models out there, but am still not to clear what would be the best bet. I currently have a Toshiba and can’t find any info on unlocking it. There are a few Zone Free Toshiba's that look interesting. But I just wanted to see if anyone here can recommend a particular model. I'm sick of waiting for The Fast Show and I'm Alan Partridge to be released in the US. Thanks! Alejandro
  14. There are a few places in Brooklyn you could check out: Zebulon (Williamsburg) and Barbes (Park Slope). Another place that looks kind of interesting is the Zinc Bar in the Village. Zinc Bar If you want to really scare them take them to the HAINO KEIJI Festival at The Stone. The Stone
  15. ¡Feliz cumpliaños Paul!
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