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Everything posted by AmirBagachelles

  1. If it sounds like shit you can always just use it in the car.
  2. i don't know when the legal concept of copyright or intellectual property originated but if the estates of Shakespeare and Bach were alive and kicking and trying to lobby for a change to copyright laws and perhaps re-enforce legitimate claims, I think that would be cool by me. All this "free" IP and music stealing is obviously terrible, and we would do well as a society to use all technological means to ensure that legitimate property rights are preserved through time. Will power!!!
  3. Why should the rights of ownership to artistic and intellectual property ever fade, as long as the foundational legal regime survives to enforce those rights? Trademarks, for example, are as durable as homeowners' rights to their property; perpetual rights to property are not a freak thing but in fact normal. What seems abnormal are "legal" appropriations of property and a transfer to another domain, by fiat.
  4. I've been getting into the Jewels and Binoculars trio this week. Great for my head, I recommend all three sets.
  5. HotSteamingPile.com, that's where I would instinctively look for ho hum 60s/70s/80s American rock and pop pressings offered at "audiophile-ridiculous" prices along with testimonial blather. Invest $100-500 in a good DAC and you could be well on your way to that "quiet passage" part of analog-y nirvana. Click and pop cravings, I say try $2-10 flea market vinyl, craft beer and short rib tacos, and leopard print Jack Purcells.
  6. You know what? Roy Haynes IS great, others with there own thread, not so much. Thank you Roy!!!
  7. This group and their modest output of four LPs has been my greatest obscure listening pleasure for about 16 years. I wish it had not taken almost ten years to find them after I got interested in jazz.
  8. PM-ing you for Work Time and Freedom Suite.
  9. Moms - I have two FBB compilations on CD, and the one I play most often only has the best from Deluxe. So I can't say whether it mostly sucks (I doubt it though) until I listen to my other comp which has all of it.... I like those Gene Clark records, yes genius songwriter and musician. I play No Other most often, and I will dig out my Dillards based on your reminder. However: I find GC's vocal style so narrow, unreaching/lazy, and ultimately fatiguing (note: first time in my life I swear that I have ever uttered "fatiguing"). I have turned off Gene Clark CDs on occasion to escape that voice. despite loving the music.
  10. They re-issued some very good no-commercial-potential Don Ellis records, and for that I am down with Wounded Bird.
  11. I feel strongly both ways. When I'm traveling to the north country fair, i like to tote a great, authentic singer-songwriter record or two or a dozen, I like a man's or lady's first few, that's where it's usually at. Don't matter whose is best, you just gotta like it or love it or not. And for the record, when I go long, I go with the first two Burrito records as the benchmark recordings of Parsons' life, good sheet smokin hippy music, comparable to Workingman's and Baxter's..... let's roll another and keep me happy all the time.
  12. It's a good guitar record, I enjoy most everything Ray Russell did in the 70s. Very psyched here about this:
  13. Thanks Jonathan, the Tapscott release is another winner, for us for sure and hopefully for you. Q: Is Self Determination Music off the table for all time? What if the current owner (or whoever that was who interrupted your plan) fails to move ahead? I hope your projects someday cover some Cecil Taylor and Jimmy Lyons. I think a few noteworthy recordings by each were never properly issued digitally. Happy New Year! Dan
  14. My bid is $150 for a Like New unit (with return terms), with all accesories incl. the stand. Any color is ok.
  15. Can I get the Muhal and Curson discs? Thx Having an issue at the moment with PMs Dan
  16. I'm good to go, got my update from the company, all is ok. Thanks.
  17. No US distribution. I wrote to local distributors one of whom forwarded my message to the owner. Are remotes generic in the sense that I can program another to work the maybe 5 controls on my amp?
  18. I concur with the B&W fans, I recommend you buy a pair of used 601s for not much money, like less than $180. (They regularly get posted to Ebay.) The cabs may be too large for your space, in which case I would recommend the NSM 5 (used?) or maybe Role Audio's Skiff. I love small speakers that image like crazy!
  19. I have been trying in vain for two months to get word (again) from Valve, who have my Predator amp remote control for repair. In May, they said the unit was done and ready to be sent back to me. I love the amp, and I really hope to recover the remote. If anybody has any info on the company's status, can you please let me know? They make some fine products, especially for our era of analog revival. I hope they did not just disappear. Thanks! Dan
  20. A few additions today, and a price trim.
  21. Discs were mailed earlier this week, sorry for delays. I would expect you to have them no later than Sat. delivery. Thanks everyone.
  22. Discs were mailed earlier this week, sorry for delays. I would expect you to have them no later than Sat. delivery. Thanks everyone.
  23. Dunno. Have to see my youngest's high school years through, 2 more years, that is job one. And looking to get our nut back down to reasonable. We like Greenpoint and Crown Heights. I love Red Hook too but it would be too hard a school commute.
  24. Yes, shame. It would be great if this situation made the top 5 of my current challenges!
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