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About undergroundagent

  • Birthday 08/04/1979

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    Toronto, ON

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  1. Hi there - does anyone have an extra box and/or booklet to sell? Many thanks!
  2. I was there in June. Bought the Tina Brooks and Clifford Brown Mosaic sets.
  3. I think this depends on the degree of service and, most importantly, the access to the audience who'll buy these records. I would pay more to someone who has a track record of selling the best records for the highest prices. It also depends on the broker's ability to collect consumer information to use for future sales. You should be able to negotiate lower if the broker has the ability to own the buyer's contact information afterwards for their exclusive use. That also assumes though that these records are what you say and will command significant attention. I actually think selling piecemeal rarely justifies the money earned. I would recommend trying to find a broker who's able to find a buyer for the entire lot at a fair price. Another alternative are renowned record stores themselves. Many of the best record stores (including those on eBay like carolinasoul) source records internationally and have buyers stationed regionally to scoop the best products at the fairest prices. These stores will often pay upwards to 70% of discogs value on the records. To me, that's good value for a seller looking to offload records in bulk. I would personally go this route first especially if you're looking to sell by genre. What you wouild need to have done to benefit from this is to price the collection according to discogs market rates and have those figures ready when approaching stores. I would, however, determine first and foremost who the major players are in terms of selling the type of vinyl you have.
  4. Hey everyone! It's been a good long time since I last posted. but I know this is still one of the best resources for jazz on the net. I'm visiting Los Angeles and Southern California in a few weeks and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for stores to buy vintage jazz vinyl? Any insights would be appreciated!
  5. "Food For Thought" (Polydor Japan with OBI) $15 "Doin' it to the Death" (Polydor Japan with OBI) $15 Only played once. Paypal only, please. S/H included within North America. Elsewhere at cost.
  6. Saw that she was gigging, but my buddy was there on Saturday night. He said she past prime, and actually takes repeated breathers in the ladies room after each two song set.
  7. I thought I might let everyone know that I had a Dodo Greene spotting over the weekend. She plays the "Anchor Bar" with a quartet every weekend in Buffalo, NY. Four Songs and out usually.
  8. IMO, the record that most blatantly defines Benson's transition to pop was "Good King Bad." OOP title on CTI - his last CTI record.
  9. I actually want to see the General Grievous-Obi Wan battle more than the Annakin-Obi Wan battle.
  10. I need to bump this thread...sorry guys!
  11. Has anyone ever stayed at any of these hotels: Hotel Langlois St Thomas D'Aquin Jardins d'Eiffel Mugeut These are our finalists.
  12. Has anyone ever flown with this company? We are thinking of using it for our trip to Paris in the fall, but wanted to solicit opinions before we really jumped the gun.
  13. What did you think? I rewatched "Phantom Menace" and "Attack of the Clones" over the weekend in anticipation of its release. Should we believe the hype!?!?!
  14. I felt the same way. Visually, the movie was spectacular. The story lacked, but I thought it was better than "Troy."
  15. I'm going to that movie tonight as well. I'm really getiing pumped about the new Star Wars. Preliminary reviews rate it as the best since "The Empire Strikes Back."
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