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Brandon Burke

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Everything posted by Brandon Burke

  1. I gotta listen to those again. It's been years...
  2. Are these the session that came out on Inner City as Vol. 1 and Vol. 2?
  3. I think you'd dig either one of the Marion Browns. Especially Why Not. It's pretty calm, as I remember.
  4. Too bad they didn't keep the original artwork....
  5. Just did a Google image search for this and much prefer this cover to the one we ended up with in the States.
  6. Who gives damn. The music is great. Besides, do you see this session getting remastered again anytime soon...?
  7. I disagree. There's so much Fela-sounding stuff out there that I'm happy to see some psych soul enter the picture. Don't get me wrong, I love Fela. But I can only do that for so long before I hit a wall. Same with Can...
  8. Tilapia is a very mild white fish. Good to serve if your dinner guest(s) are still on the fence about fish. Also, because it's mild, I don't mind doctoring it up. Lately I've been letting it sit in the following for an hour or so before cooking: (1) olive oil (2) juice of two limes (3) finely chopped garlic (4) finely chopped jalapeno (5) cracked pepper (6) fresh cilantro (7) paprika
  9. Living in Austin for two years turned me into a lime man. Now I find it's almost impossible to cook without it. Especially whitefish like tilapia...
  10. Anyone else buy this thing yet? It's f*cking amazing...
  11. This thing's been killing me lately...
  12. You might want to revisit In the Christmas Spirit. Espacially the outro bars of "Jingle Bells". Man, I'd love to hear what happened after they faded that out. Really picks up steam there at the end. I have no problem listening to this record outside of the X-Mas season. They're just standards, man. Like anything else. No more or less appropriate than rocking The Wee Small Hours at 2:00 in the afternoon. (And I hardly think that most of us wait until last call on a rainy night in Manhattan to put that -- or any other comparable -- record on.)
  13. I can't believe that article didn't mention this... Among the other items added to the list this year is Public Enemy's "Fight the Power". May seem like a no-brainer to some but let me remind you that "Fight the Power" is the one where they say... Chuck: "Elvis was a hero to most but he never meant sh*t to me. The sucker was flat out racist, Simple and plain." Flavor Flav: "F*ck him and John Wayne!"
  14. "As We Go Along" by the Monkees. Inspired, perhaps to the chagrin of BruceH, by the Worst film ever thread.
  15. It's unfortunate that you guys decide a movie is terrible simply because you don't think it makes sense. You're really limiting yourselves to nothing but run-of-the-mill linear narrative cinema at that point. Personally, I love the Monkees' Head. I think it's a great film and like the tunes as well. 200 Motels is comparable, I suppose. I have a hard time with Zappa's particular sense of humor, though. Too *wacky* for me. But I'd hardly say is stinks just because it "made no sense whatever".
  16. Just a quick note to tell you about my friend Jon's web site. It's called Little Hits and every day he posts a review of one of his favorite underappreciated pop songs. Here's a particularly good one... ************************************************* The Fall-Outs "Zombie" (Split single with Flathead, Sqaure Target Records, 1995) I don't want to belabor the obvious, but I think it's appropriate to give a brief history lesson here. Rock and roll, as most of you know, helped give teenagers a voice. Unlike the "pop" music of the day, it took elements of black R 'n' B as well as other musics, and used them to create a new sound that not only appealed to teenagers, but also specifically addressed their particular concerns. It should come as no surprise then, that the rock 'n' roll canon is rich in songs describing that most prominent of problems facing white adolescents, namely the discovery that one's object of affection is a zombie. While this number by the Fall-Outs doesn't soar with the pure poetry of "Slug" by the Ramones which is perhaps the pinnacle of the genre, we here at Little Hits believe that this tune represents a significant addition to the literature. ************************************************** good times... -- Brandon
  17. My desert island picks are.... John Coltrane - Ole Mal Waldron - The Quest Mary Lou Williams - Black Christ of the Andes Jimmy Smith - The Sermon / House Party Jacques Coursil - Way Ahead Vince Guaraldi & Bola Sete - From All Sides I'm not saying that these are the very best that jazz has to offer. They're simply my favorites. Happy hunting and welcome to the board! -- Brandon
  18. No, actually he isn't. I count at least three references to the ill-fated Money Jungle trade in Clem's post and completely agree with him. I'm just about ready to give soulstation the twelve bucks it costs to buy a copy of that CD myself, just so he'll shut the fuck up already.
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