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Brandon Burke

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Everything posted by Brandon Burke

  1. Sunny Murray - Sunshine
  2. Interesting that no one has mentioned Face to Face, one of my faves. The (by now, only sort of) recent Castle reissue includes some amazing non-album bonus tracks such as "I'm Not Like Everybody Else" and "This is Where I Belong"; the latter being, in my opinion, among the very best Kinks tunes of all time.
  3. Robert Wyatt - Rock Bottom
  4. While you're at it, maybe you can convince the Story of Texas museum in Austin to include Ornette on its Texan musician "wall of fame". No offesne to Red Garland, of course, but I would argue that, among the two of them, only one unquestionably revolutionized an Amercian artform...
  5. I figured Jack Black was going to provide comic relief in this one. Strange to see him play it straight...relatively speaking. I doubt I will see this film however, as if often the case, I am going to vote [yes] on Naomi Watts. Terrible CGI dinosaurs, by the way. Yeesh...
  6. "Roster" or "poster"? You'll have no trouble finding images of the medal ceremony. They're all over the place. In fact, if you mirror my saved eBay search [mexico olympic poster], you'll get several. This one dude always has six or seven of them up and any one time. A roster on the other hand...I dunno. When I get the time I'll see what I can dig up.
  7. No no no no... I was just saying is all. [That phrase never really comes off right when typed out.] I didn't mean that to sound overly personal. I'm in a coffee shop in the Haight right now, editing interview questions. The music is terrible and very loud and perhaps I allowed that to affect my skills as a verbal tactician. In any case, my bad. Sorry. Anyway, glad to see another proponent of the well-worn automobile. My last car was a 1992 Isuzu truck with next to no paint, a drivers side window that was taped up, and no air conditioning (in Austin, TX!). Okay, I gotta get out of here before commit any more ill-advised thoughts to (virtual) paper...
  8. ...while other Amercians choose their battles, Chuck. I, for example, don't own a car...or a Mosaic.
  9. So I've been collecting vintage posters from the 1968 Summer Olympics for going on a couple years now. Marksmanship and basketball, for example, are on my living room wall as I type; while yachting, cycling, field hockey and [a couple more that I'm forgetting] are in the queue for framing. (The soccer poster continually fetches more than I'm willing to dump on any one item...owing mostly to the fact the the player looks like he's doing capoiera. Translation: it looks really damned cool.) Anyway, I just stumbled upon this just now. I had no idea that every poster was colllected in one box, to say nothing for the books. Were this closer to the $300-350 range, I would have already pulled the trigger. Alas... Brandon
  10. anyone in the market for some 45s...?
  11. That's very funny... EDIT: Come to think about it, that's how I feel about CDs in general.
  12. Don't sleep on Painful. My favorite by Jersey mile...
  13. Again, this board does not account for the majority of the jazz buying public in the United States. It is a representation of it, yes. But there are a great many people in this country who are wholly unaware of the many concurrent reissue series in other nations. I think sometimes we forget that the "average joe" is quite a bit less informed about these types of things than your typical Organissimo member. I see the typical US jazz CD buyer not as someone who discusses discographical errors on Internet message boards, but rather people with a more, shall we say, passive interest in the music. It's important to mention that I'm not exactly losing sleep over this or anything. I just think it's worth pointing out is all...
  14. Thanks again for posting one of these lists. Very kind of you to share this information with the rest of us. As for the above, I know I've said it before but, the argument you present really only holds water if we assume that a significant percentage of the U.S. jazz buying public actively seeks out Spanish(?!) Blue Note reissues. I'm just not sure that's the case...
  15. ← That's too bad...
  16. Great record, though I never actually heard it until about two years ago. Consequently, I never really thought much about Larry Coryell until about two years ago. Love the controlled feedback here. Thanks for the (accidental) suggestion. I'm going to put it on right now...
  17. Yeah, leave Horry open with seconds left in overtime. Uugh...
  18. Nina Simone - It is Finished
  19. Count Ossie and the Mystic Revelation of Rastafari - Tales of Mozambique
  20. Elmo Hope - Hope Meets Foster (Prestige)
  21. Teddy Edwards & Howard McGhee - Together Again!!! (Contemporary)
  22. Sorry I'm late...been out of town at a conference. In any case, happy birthday Bertrand! take care, Brandon
  23. Voted for Spurs but rooting for Pistons. Lakers are so far off my radar screen they might as well be Keith Jarrett.
  24. I'm going to see my Royals tonight at SBC Park. First time they've ever played in San Francisco...!
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