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Brandon Burke

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Everything posted by Brandon Burke

  1. Man, I forgot I even had that record! Must reacquaint myself with it soon...
  2. Thanks folks. And believe me, I have every intention of checkng out the Gaudi work. Did some internet research just now and it seems there's a good number of record shops. This one even has a copy of that Shepp record!
  3. Don't sleep on the Ferrell extras! The unaired "miner" sketch is amazing, as is the footage of his original audition for the show.
  4. Simon: Gentlemen, I'd like you to meet your captain, Captain Oveur. Capt. Clarence Oveur: Gentlemen, welcome aboard. Simon: Captain, your navigator, Mr. Unger, and your first officer, Mr. Dunn. Oveur: Unger. Mr. Unger: Oveur. Mr. Dunn: Oveur. Oveur: Dunn. Gentlemen, let's get to work. Simon: Unger, didn't you serve under Oveur in the Air Force? Unger: Not directly. Technically, Dunn was under Oveur, and I was under Dunn. Dunn: Yep. Simon: So, Dunn, you were under Oveur, and over Unger. Dunn: Yep. Oveur: Uhh, that's right. Dunn was over Unger, and I was over Dunn. Unger: So, you see, both Dunn and I were under Oveur, even though I was under Dunn. Oveur: Dunn was over Unger, and I was over Dunn.
  5. Record spines and books alike can be an attractive addition to a living room. Baffling that so many people hide them while leaving dreadfully ugly plastic boxes (read: television sets) in plain view...
  6. Friends, I will be in Barcelona, Spain from Sept 8-17th for the Int'l Assoc of Sound Archivists conference. Flight was $1,100 and I was told to keep the entire trip "around the $2,000 range". The hotels recommended by the conference are between 88-149 Euro a night, while the ones in the Let's Go/Frommer's/etc guides are closer to 30-60 Euro. Just so we're on the same page here, I have absolutely no problem staying in less-than-luxurious accomodations, so long as I can be assured that the neighborhood is safe. This would allow me to write the entire trip off and set some money aside for a couple of decent meals, a night or two of drinks, and a Spanish pressing of Black Gipsy. The conference is being held at the Institut d'Estudis Catalans, just beside the Biblioteca de Catalunya in what appears to be the Las Ramblas area. Any advice regarding the neighborhood, cheap places to stay, record shops, etc would be greatly appreciated, as I am wholly unfamiliar with Barcelona. thanks, Brandon
  7. That's too bad. Unlike Austin, San Francisco is flooded with good used LP shops.
  8. Bought a silly OJC copy of Pheneas Newborn The Newborn Touch today, mostly because it features Frank Butler on drums. So far, I've played it three times. I clearly need to spend more time with Mr. Newborn...
  9. Don't know that the original press is, but I'm spinning an immaculatly clean copy of Cecil Taylor's Conquistador as I type. Thanks to (our) clifford thornton for bringing it up on the phone just now!
  10. Been meaning to post this for a while now and keep forgetting. Tim's work is really great. He mostly does pieces for friends, asks them to name a person whom they admire, and then works from there. He did this King Tubby painting for me over the spring. figured you guys might dig this stuff, Brandon
  11. The quick and dirty answer is yes. Environmental conditions (read: heat) are the primary causes of warping. The others are [1] prolonged diagonal storage and [2] prolonged storage in horizontal piles. Basiaclly, storage in situations involving either uneven and prolonged support or uneven and prolonged pressure. Something else to consider, though it's more of an institutional worry: discs should be rotated at regular intervals so as to avoid prolonged pressure on any one point along the perimeter of the disc. Not doing so can result in a kind of warping, rippled in appreance. Under reasonable storage conditions (temp, RH, etc.) both formats should last a very long time. Shellac, I would argue, is better suited to handle heat...the most immediate cause of warping. [EDIT: Of course, that answer only addressed warping. The other thought, as I understand it, is that there are fewer potential chemical reactions in a shellac-based disc than polyvinyl chloride. This is significant when considering the types of degradation that occur when discs are indeed stored under recommended archival conditions.]
  12. Is it "Something for Kenny"? The one where he uses fingers and knuckles...
  13. Shit man, the only reason I hopped onto this thread was to mention Frank Butler! I find him especially enjoyable on Contemporary dates like Elmo Hope Trio, Harold Land The Fox, and Hampton Hawes For Real. Definitely give him another look. I like Jimmy Cobb and all but find Bulter much more exciting...
  14. Okay, perhaps I was a but too subtle in my initial post... I'm not suggesting that this is some new revalation. Quite the opposite. The process he describes is a no-braner in the first place. I seldom hold onto commercially issued CDs. I rip them onto iTunes and sell them almost immediately...unless, of course, they have cool artwork or interesting liners. Otherwise, 4"x4" artwork is nothing I'm worried about keeping. And yes, external drives are imperative...jazz or otherwise. Anyway, the point of the post was not so much the writer's suggestion as it was the very concept of "digitizing" an already inherently digital medium. The title of the piece assumes that CDs are somehow analog.
  15. This was too funny not to pass along... link happy friday, Brandon
  16. Eightball is the only comic I read.
  17. Vinyl is actually pretty strong by comparison...barring any enviromnetal or structural dammage, that is. Shellac, though, is the ultimate workhorse, in terms of stability. One of the worst media is actually DAT. The shelf-life on those can sometimes be little more than a decade. I find that, despite much of our collection being 1/4" open reel tape, the DATs are in at least as much danger, as far as degradation is concerned.
  18. I don't know if I'd use the word "common", but this is a known problem in the library/archives field. For this reason, archival masters (if stored on optical discs) are often commited to gold CD-Rs; the thought being that gold is closer to inert than aluminum and, thus, will take a great deal longer to react with the other substances among the disc: the plastic (Polycarbonate), the binder (adhesive), etc. Also, in the event of a colored disc, any dyes or pigments that might be involved as well. Some links: The NIST guide from 2003 includes a pretty good introcuction to the many components, layers, and competing substances among varying optical disc media. There's also this site. I can't speak to its legitimacy, but it did inspire this article in 2004 so... To Chuck's point, here's a list of comercially issued CDs known to exhibit bronzing. And like he said, all are European. A Google search for "CD rot" will bring up a lot of hits...but read them at your own risk.
  19. Freak Out is the only one I could possibly listen to anymore. I don't like a lot of screwball antics in my music. (The Rutles excluded, of course.)
  20. Which Diary? Luis Bunuel's (with Jeanne Moreau) or Jean Renoir's (with Paulette Godard)? Love Jeanne Moreau in the Bunuel... ← This one is the Bunuel. I cheated and watched the first few minutes last night before bed. (You're right. I had forgotten about Moreau!) This is maybe my favorite Bunuel...and certainly some of my favorite editing.
  21. Just got an unopened copy of the Diary of a Chaimbermaid Criterion...for something like six(!) bucks on ebay. Just arrived yesterday, so I'll be watching it again soon... That Simpsons packaging is atrocious, by the way. Yeesh...
  22. Been listening to the new Smog with some regularity. I tend to forget about him for intervals of two or three years at a time, and then catch up with everything in one feel swoop. Same with Low, whose new record, The Great Destoyer, I'm also enjoying.
  23. No, but close. I once heard Corky's Debt to His Father by Mayo Thompson (of the Red Crayola) at a coffee shop.
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