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Brandon Burke

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About Brandon Burke

  • Birthday 12/12/1973

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  • Location
    Lawrence, KS
  • Interests
    Yoko Ono, baseball

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  1. Sir Richard Bishop - Flirtation Devices
  2. That is the f-ing answer, seriously.. People don't get it: that shit was really loud. Possible exception was Keiji Haino in 2007.
  3. Been in San Francisco for the last 12 years. (DC before that.) Got married, had a kid. Moved to Lawrence, KS last week to be closer to my folks, give the kid a yard, get away from crazy Bay Area cost-of-living. That Marsh was the 2nd thing played on the hi-fi since we got unpacked. It appears I don't know how replies work since the site got updated either. Oh well..
  4. Happy birthday, Guy!
  5. A friend of mine recently said he'd always wondered of Shades of Redd was actually a Tina Brooks session. I have to admit, I'd never thought of this before but he has a good point. Nothing in else in Redd's oeuvre sounds like that and, let's face it, "The Thespian" and "Swift" in particular sound a lot like other Brooks heads..
  6. Just saw this. Thanks for remembering me, fellas. I really appreciate it. Quick update: Got married in August of '08. Corinne, my amazing wife, is now in her 21st week of pregnancy; we just found out it's going to be a boy! Still living in SF. Currently enjoying: * The Byrds 'Preflyte' * v/a 'Eccentric Soul: The Deep City Label' * Richard Crandell 'In the Flower of Our Youth' * Peter Lang 'The Thing at the Nursery Room Window' * Sun Ra 'Super-Sonic Jazz' * Jimmy Giuffre 'Thesis' * Art Farmer 'Sing Me Softly of the Blues' * MF Doom 'Special Herbs' * This year's Sierra Celebration Ale * Pliny the Elder IPA * Maille (hot) * Baby arugula * Designing new LP shelves * Thomas Pynchon 'Against the Day' (only 100 pages left!) Cheers everyone!
  7. Found this at work a couple weeks ago: Program notes from a 7" reel, Radio Free Europe Romanian Language Service..
  8. Howdy strangers, Haven't been on here in a while, i know, but i wanted to drop a line and tell you about this slide show we put up the other day. It's pretty cool stuff. Basically, i was looking for photographs of something completely unrelated in the Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty collection and stumbled upon several pictures of musicians visiting the RFE studios; mostly in Munich but Armstrong, for example, was in NY. Others include: Ella, Dizzy, Brubeck, Cozy Cole, Errol Garner, and Art Blakey. Here's the link: http://www.hoover.org/pubaffairs/slideshows/40546312.html cheers, Brandon
  9. Agreed - saw them in Toronto about 3 weeks ago - reported on this already. I was quite prepared with plugs and ear protectors. 130 dB baby! I second that commotion! Passed on the recent reunion tour but saw them open for Dinosaur in 1992. Close second: Keiji Heino in Oct of 2007 (Prague, CZ). Bananas.
  10. The Miller Nichols Library at UMKC houses the Raymond Scott Collection. I imagine an archivist could look through his papers for you..
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