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Everything posted by BbM7

  1. I'm planning to pick up one of the (many) current Miles Davis boxes for a friend who has expressed an interest in having one. I'm tempted particularly by the 1965-68 Quintet box, but the 1963-64 Seven Steps, etc. looks good and the Blackhawk material... I don't think the Bitches Brew, Jack Johnson and Silent Way boxes are best suited to my friend's tastes - straight-ahead, small group. As for what she already has, it's no more than a smattering of any of this material, so duplication isn't really a concern. She does have a few of the Miles/Trane Columbia things. Any recommendations (or reminders about other great, current boxes) appreciated.
  2. BbM7

    Time Label

    The alternates of the Sonny Clark Trio came out on SACD a couple of years ago. (Great stuff, by the way.) http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...=glance&s=music Award-Winning Drummer alternates available here: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...=glance&s=music
  3. BbM7

    Boney James

    Man, y'all are HARSH! Right, but harsh.
  4. BbM7

    XANADU Records

    Just FYI, no Xanadus at other San Antonio H-PB locations.
  5. BbM7

    XANADU Records

    Was in the San Antonio (I-10/Huebner) location of Half-Price Books tonight and found a bunch of Xanadus priced at $4.98. Raney/Clark, Gordon/Mitchell/Cohn/Noto, Harris (solo). Many copies of each. Not sure if other H-PB locations have more, but I got the impression they must have had a bulk purchase.
  6. The free market works even if there is only one of an item. Price is used as a rationing mechanism. Call it greed it you wish. But I would ask, who was greedier, the seller or the buyer? (Can greed manifest itself in material goods as easily as money? Certainly!)
  7. Sorry, as a capitalist and free market-advocate, I respectfully disagree.
  8. Record City is okay, but every location differs in specialty (genre/format). There's a big Tower that's better than average. There are also a couple of vinyl-specialty stores, if that's of interest. Big B's become a Big Bummer lately. The old 24-hour Wherehouse/Odyssey is gone.
  9. Looking for a new place to start my web time. Something interesting, amusing, informative, challenging... So what's yours and why (assuming it's not obvious - e.g., CNN, Drudge, google)
  10. Sorry, they don't seem to have this one.
  11. I only obtain my recorded music in original, tangible form (LP, CD, 78...) from clearly legitimate sources. This may include previously owned items. Not preaching. Everyone's entitled to do as they wish; just stating my practice.
  12. I agree about the abundance of great music available. I've got 10,000-plus items in my collection - much of it...great music. But I don't have anything quite like this. So, I need it, right?
  13. Tempting. There's a reasonably cheap copy in the store bin down the street from me....
  14. Anyone else heard this one? I first heard it on a listening station. Paid full-price for it. (something I seldom do) Still absorbing it, but finding it, uh...mildly disturbing, though not particularly deep. My first exposure to Shatner outside Priceline advertising.
  15. That's right. You never know what you're going to get. I heard Moody in person recently & (to be charitable) he wasn't very good. Gee whiz. He's now 80 years old. Twenty years ago, my point of comparison, he was 20 years younger.
  16. These guys have been putting out some great music lately.....not sure what you mean. As I said, I couldn't come up with the names that truly have been lost to the winds of time. Still, the guys I mention - and others like them - no longer seem to dominate the covers of Jazz Times and Down Beat, as they once did.
  17. Hopefully, the phenomenon has faded (though certainly hasn't disappeared completely), but back in the 80s and 90s, it seemed as if the money - contracts, good gigs - were all going to the Young Lions. True veterans - James Moody, Jackie Mac and others - seemed to be standing on the sidelines as their (largely inferior) imitators raked it in. A lot of those Lions have lost their stature - hell, I'm struggling to come up with names - Bobby Watson, Blanchard, Vincent Herring, others who passed through the Blakey band...not the best examples...
  18. Amen. I call this the Yoshi's (Oakland, CA club) phenomenon. Their core patrons are of a uniform demographic (age, race, income, wealth) and they want what they want...nothing ear-opening. Jazz cruise, anyone?
  19. I agree with everything said. I reluctantly purchased one of the Leo Parkers, knowing that I'd probably never have another opportunity. (By the way, I purchased mine in a basement record store in Downtown Madrid about two years ago.) Today's discussion of the situation regarding sale in the US was news to me, not that I didn't suspect...
  20. I don't see these on the J and R internet site either. (I searched by artist/title.) You might try calling the store; obviously, they do mail order...
  21. Thanks. Did a site search and missed this somehow.
  22. A bunch of these are in the bins at J&R. Lee, Leo, Freddie... $7.99
  23. Seems to me that shipping from Venus would be cost-prohibitive.
  24. Dodge Boy. If you knew me and remember Dodge Boys, you'd certainly get a laugh from that.
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