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Everything posted by PHILLYQ

  1. Painful weekend for Yank fans, starting Thursday with an epic comeback, then pffft! Blown in the 9th, lose in the 10th, then Friday, up 8-3 late, then pffft! Bullpen implosion. Today was a just a good old-fashioned butt-kicking. Bosox lookin' very strong, I hope they sent a thank you card to the Dodgers for this season:)
  2. Some quotes from Chris Albertson in the article.
  3. So two pitchers did it clean!
  4. Followed closely by '3rd down efficiency'. Lumping every third down together and going with the average is, IMHO, just absurd. There's a huge difference between 3rd and inches and 3rd and 10, so to lump them all together muddies what could be a good stat. No one yet has found a correlation between making third downs and winning games.
  5. Yes, but you have to clean up afterwards!
  6. Revenue is expected to be $25 billion in 15-years....in the meantime by the time they finally pay off the money in 20-years....the cost of inflation would lesson the value of the remaining 17-years paid. They're probably going to lose another 25-35% of the money's value on top of what they're going to pay the lawyers. What is $75,000-$100,000 going to do for anyone with Dementia? That's like one year's worth of treatment...and they're not even getting it one lump sum payment. This settlement also kept the NFL from opening up it's records on concussions. Current players and future players are screwed because they can't say they don't know the about the risks and accept the liability....it also would be covered under the CBA. Goodell got a new contract that doubles his salary after getting the NFLPA to kowtow for the last CBA. Who knows how much more he's going to get in the future now that he got the Refs and the former players to do the same. The lockout settlement hosed the current players, and this deal hoses the former players.I get the feeling that the NFL told the former players' lawyers that 'we can settle for this, or we could tie you up in court for 10 years'
  7. Welcome to the new members!
  8. King Crimson at the Pier, 1982 3 Allman Bros. Instant Lives Mingus at Carnegie Hall(Please release the entire concert!) Herbie Hancock 'VSOP'(Has the Mwandishi band and the headhunters as well)
  9. Ya hit a home run with this one!
  10. I'm a Yankee fan and I didn't care at all whenever Bonds was HBP, and as Blue Train pointed out, Bonds crowded the plate and wore body armor that led to more HBP.Did you see or hear about any celebrations by Yankee fans over Bonds being HBP? Who are all these Yankee fans upset about A-Roid getting plunked? The NY dailies(News & Post) had nothing on it, and I'm a Yankee fan and I thought it was no big deal. It sounds like you're in the fact-free zone. Or is that tragic number? Better days may be ahead, as the Cubs did get rid of some bad contracts this year.
  11. Al Davis went from brilliant(his early years) to extremely dim. I think he became more interested in keeping and wielding power than making the Raiders better.
  12. I finally got a chance to listen to this a few weeks ago, and it's VERRRRY good. Mike plays some greazzzy organ(had to wipe my glasses a few times!), and the drummer and guitarist are right with him, a true trio disc. I Played some cuts for some friends who are not jazz buffs and they dug the immense groove on the disc. I highly recommend it.
  13. Looks to me that the next step is a sale of WBAI, they have a slot on the dial that is worth a lot of moolah.
  14. Congratulations!!!
  15. " My personal favorite member of the group by far was the drummer" may have made the point, but what do I know? I'm not very well studied on *Reynoldian* scripture If you read your Reynolds regularly, you know that he LOVES Tom Rainey's playing.
  16. (according to mlb-tv 2 hours ago) rodriquez is threatening to sue yanquis for bad medical care and trying to get rid of him, as well as suing mlb and yanquis. is it not interesting that all of the players suspended are latin americans? If some of the rumors of A-Roid being a steerer of players to the clinic is true, it would make sense that he would be friendly to a lot of latino players and would lead them down that road.
  17. Hear! Hear!
  18. I had never consciously eaten parsnips before, but this thread intrigued me, especially this post. Last night I roasted parsnips, carrots and onions with olive oil and an Italian seasoning blend instead of salt and pepper. (The onions were suggested by a lady at the farmers' market. But I think onions make almost anything better, anyway.) Delicious! So thanks Jim & Philly. Of course, I had to remember to search for "parnsips" to find this thread. Glad you enjoyed it, I love when people try something I suggest and like it, even more if they eat my food and like it. If you're ever near Brooklyn, come over and we'll feast!
  19. Somebody at Hoffman had one for sale.
  20. Acupuncture may help- it did wonders for me I quitting. I also found this tea helpful: http://www.google.com/search?q=smoker's+tea&client=safari&hl=en&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=0Xf4UeaHM8Wu4AOBpIDABQ&ved=0CFAQsAQ&biw=1280&bih=829#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=qLfqxCZ6uKPdqM%3A%3BBAhh3eVq9OF1XM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fi.colnect.net%252Fimages%252Ff%252F1006%252F173%252FSmoker--s-Tea-Lobelia-Plus.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fcolnect.com%252Fen%252Fteabags%252Fteabag%252F20450-Smokers_Tea_Lobelia_Plus-Traditional_Herbals-United_States%3B258%3B300
  21. Red Baraat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHjKPaCz5O0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjIO8BKk9nE
  22. He's already done so much for so long.
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