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Everything posted by PHILLYQ

  1. And now that Jeter is retiring after this season, he'll never have A-Roid as his teammate ever again! Phillies sign AJ Burnett for 1 year, but Hamels is injured Yankee infield is ????, Teixeira coming off wrist surgery and years of decline, Jeter coming off a year of injury, and two other guys(Brian Roberts, injury prone).
  2. He mentioned in the 'What is Jazz?' clip that Jazz was ' ...a handball court'. I've played handball for about 35+ years, and it's an improvisational game to a large degree. RIP to a true comic genius
  3. It also depends, to some degree, on how the refs call it- Seattle gets away with lots of holding by the defensive backs, so if the refs call a tight game I think that advantage goes to Denver.
  4. happy New Year everyone!!!
  5. Anybody have recommendations as to discs by Ms. Tharpe? I checked for the Lucky Millinder and a used disc is about $30! Any others that are good? Thanks much in advance for all replies.
  6. here's something I found interesting- I saw them at a lunchtime concert a couple weeks ago: http://www.inflameclassic.com/#!inflame-classic-media/c1shm
  7. The Mets don't have $$ to sign Cano unless they plug their holes with some AAA players. They need a shortstop, a corner outfielder, a healthy catcher, some bullpen help(Hawkins is gone for $2.5mil and that blew away the Mets offer!), a starting pitcher, etc. $30mil won't buy much this offseason, if the Marlon Byrd contract is a template for the other free agent signings.
  8. Giants continue the climb out of the grave, now 4-6 and playing the hated Cowboys on Sunday.
  9. Ubu, Greg Tate is the driving force behind Burnt Sugar and used to write about music for the Village Voice. IIRC, he was punched out by Stanley Grouch while at the Village Voice!
  10. 50% of all respondents lied, 35% fudged the truth and 15% are tee-totalers!
  11. That period was the darkest period of his life, could be an ugly flick.
  12. I get your point, but isn't Turner field pretty beat down? That's what I have heard. Well, the Braves' management says this: Turner Field has served the Braves well since 1997, but it is in need of major infrastructure work, which will cost around $150 million. These upgrades are functional ones, such as replacing worn-out seats or upgrading the stadium's lighting, and they would do little to significantly enhance the fan experience. If the Braves were to pay for additional projects focused on improving the fan experience, the additional costs could exceed $200 million. I don't really know what they're talking about. I'm not knowledgeable enough to know what upgrades Turner Field needs, but I think most visitors would be surprised to hear that the Braves think it needs that much work. On my last visit, a couple of months ago, the only negative I noticed was that the lighting in the corridors seemed a little dim, but that certainly wasn't a major issue for me. My impression was that the seats were just fine, that the sightlines were excellent (not a bad seat in the house), that the field was beautiful and well-lit, that the concession choices were widely varied, from cheap hotdogs and nachos to gourmet sandwiches and steaks and PBR to craft beers, that there were lots of activities and entertainment for fans before the game (and during it, if the kids got bored), and that the organ was played by an excellent jazzman, Matt Kaminski. (Okay, he didn't play jazz at this gig, but his sarcastic song choices to introduce the opposing players were pretty funny.) Maybe Turner Field does need 150-200 million dollars of work after 16 years of operation. That seems excessive to me, but maybe it does. The projections for the new facility are around $672 million. (That's the stadium and surrounding infrastructure.) The Braves won't be paying all of that, of course, but they will certainly be spending more than they would if they stayed put. I guess they are pretty sure they'll recoup their investment, but "throwing away" a perfectly good, relatively new baseball stadium seems insane to me. And once again the numbers they publicly say are not really what ends up being paid with 30-years of interest. Beside Turner Field being surrounded by "the wrong type of people"....the real thing this is all about is all the latest bells and whistles that come with a new stadium....and all the ways the team (not the taxpayers) can make more money from them. I don't think we will see many teams staying in any stadium longer than 20-years before wanting a new one anymore. If cities had any sense they would do what San Francisco/NY/Atlanta now did with the Giants/Jets/Niners/Braves, etc. Let another city/county/state taxpayers be robbed while they still keep their city/state name. The money saved might go to do some actual good for taxpayers of the city/state. Cities really should stop subsidizing everyone of them...they're all White Elephants to taxpayers. I saw something recently that the Atlanta baseball team has a horrible TV contract with a lot of years left on it. A new stadium would provide a nice revenue boost for them. I think every stadium deal I've seen in the last 20+ years involves hosing taxpayers, poor people(who gets hit when budgets are cut to pay for debt service on stadium bonds?), etc., all to line the pockets of the teams. Don't believe a word when a team trumpets them paying for a stadium- did they also pay for the infrastructure improvements to make it possible- NOT! In NYC, Nanny Bloomberg gave away about a billion bucks to the Yanks and Mets for new stadia, and was prepared to go more for the Jets on the west side of Manhattan.
  13. Congrats to Dan Gould and the Bosox faithful!
  14. I was at one of those shows myself and I could've stayed for a second set, but I was spent from listening to CT.
  15. To mix my sports metaphors, it's like asking Babe Ruth to bunt all the time! I hope things turn out OK for him and it's not another Barret Robbins
  16. I think Nunez at third, despite his penchant for costly errors. $189mil or less!
  17. Stanley Grouch does pompous every week in the NY Daily News, he has a regular column!
  18. Not unusual for the Asstros!
  19. I played all sorts of music for my son(He's 21 now), and when he was little he loved James Brown and Tower of Power. When he hit his teenage years he called jazz 'music by people who don't know what they're doing'. Now he's quite eclectic in his tastes, bit of Bill Evans here and there, along with lots of other stuff. His taste in music is all his own.
  20. SS1, c'mon! Your tribe is on the verge of a playoff spot! Congrats to a long-suffering fanbase.
  21. Unless your theory is purely addition by subtraction, I think that's premature. There's plenty of time for thank you cards in the coming season(s) when the prospects they picked up actually contribute. Credit should go to Cherrington for some pretty shrewd use (to date) of the salary that was freed up though. Meantime with Ellsbury in a walking boot and possibly out with a broken foot, I do worry that this is their high water mark. I guess the Jackie Bradley era starts early in Boston. Come to think of it, a young, highly touted centerfielder was called up at the end of the 2007 season, became a starter and helped bring a championship home, so maybe Bradley can do the same. The Dodgers did take a lot of $$ off the Bosox payroll, and Boston did get rid of Crawford & Beckett, a definite addition by subtraction both in payroll and performance.
  22. With that much $$, she may want a prenup, SS1!!
  23. Serena is 31 and possibly playing the best tennis of her career. When she finally does hang it up(and ties the knot with SS1), she's probably the best female tennis player ever. Just had to repeat that-WOW!!!
  24. They arrested the guy, but haven't figured out what to charge him with!
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