I'm 70. I started buying the sets around '95 or so. I used to love reading the lavish Mosaic pamphlets and I would order by phone. Over the years I picked up quite a few of the boxes new. The last several years I started buying up sets I missed when they came out from ebay, discogs, etc. I enjoy the whole esthetic of the boxes, their distinctive look, the large format booklets, the exacting discography and research. They have introduced me to a lot of swing, big band, west coast and other jazz. I've particularly loved the Basie sets and in a way the Basie interest has reoriented a lot of my jazz listening. I like the fact that Mosaic sets are quirky and unique. I also own and enjoy plenty of single disc issues and other styles of box set. In my view there is and should be plenty of space for different types and styles of publishing for jazz music and music in general.