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Everything posted by jk666

  1. Watched this last night on You Tube. It wasn't very well structured, that said, I could watch another hour and a half of Paul just being Paul. Motian in Motion
  2. Ou - One (Inside Out 2022) Waiting for the album to arrive, but listening to the three pre-album singles non-stop. Ou is a...prog metal electronica ambient (?) band from Beijing.
  3. I keep mine in the Mosaic boxes and make sure I go through them during the summer to make sure there's no mildew on them.
  4. In light of recent news.
  5. Oh man, he played on one of my favorite albums of all time. So glad I got to see them live a couple times, what an amazingly odd band.
  6. Watched this last night and it was just what I needed to combat the gloom and doom of the last couple weeks...months...years...
  7. Not so much the 80s Young Lions, but I still listen to a lot of the 90s guys...Brad Mehldau, Josh Redman, Peter Bernstein, Larry Goldings, Mark Turner, Roy Hargrove, Jason Moran.
  8. Ty Tabor - Shades (Rat Pack Records, 2022)
  9. I was paraphrasing the Pitchfork article above. " The platform’s ease of use and relatively low commission rate of 15 percent made it attractive to independent artists and labels, eventually helping to foster vibrant communities of lo-fi, offbeat, and experimental musicians—all while turning a healthy profit. "
  10. You're probably right. As I understand it, it's all about ad sales and number of eyeballs.
  11. I'm curious to see how this plays out. I know ZERO about the gaming World, but Bandcamp is making a tidy profit AND paying artists while letting them keep almost 100% control. Let's hope it stays that way.
  12. Monk: Thelonious Monk’s 25 Tips for Musicians (1960)
  13. Zappa, Ruth, Ralph, George, Tom, Bruce, Ian & Jean Luc Ponty
  14. Jazz Wax is an excellent source of Jazz interviews. They do an important job archiving all of this oral history.
  15. Lots of You Tube travel, hiking and overlanding channels. Just watched this PCT thru hike documentary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzCZdMyQuQ0
  16. This band is untouchable and yeah I much prefer the live material over the studio albums.
  17. Don Bolo - Bahamut (2022) "Experimental music for people with mental issues. Founded in 2015 by some misfits playing punk on the streets of Quito, Ecuador." Check them out at Bandcamp: https://donbolo.bandcamp.com/album/bahamut
  18. I always assumed it was Billy Harper here and on the other logo...but I can't find anything to confirm it.
  19. I wish I remembered more. I seem to remember something about Ricky Ford sitting at the bar between sets or maybe during the set and Mingus yelling at him...can't remember the details. Bob laughed a lot when he reminisced about his days with Charles.
  20. Bob was a frequent customer at HMV when I worked there. He told great Mingus stories. The one I remember most is that Mingus would mispronounce Bob's name on purpose because he knew it made him mad. At one show Bob said he lost it and started chasing around the stage while Mingus laughed hysterically.
  21. I keep my newly acquired discs in a pile next to my CD player. 'New Music' purchases will get repeated listening before going to the shelf. If I pick up 20 CDs at a thrift shop, they also stay close to the player, but they might only get a single pass and go on the donate/giveaway pile. More than that and they get shelved.
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