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    Hudson Valley, NY
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    Working on an idiosyncratic history of Prestige Records

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  1. Are there any good photos of Miles and the quintet in the studio during the Contractual Marathon sessions?
  2. Why are the 1945 Earl Swope - Lennie Tristano recordings called "the lost sessions"? How did they get lost, and how did they get found? And what about the Emmett Carls lost sessions?
  3. That's horrendous.
  4. That is the Tim Hardin who made his breakthrough to jazz immortality with these liner notes.
  5. I love it. Someone should do an anthology of these.
  6. Yes! Thanks to both of you. Stupid me -- I went to AI first, and got several different wrong answers - instead of coming straight here, to real intelligence.
  7. There's a Monk album -- i guess it has to be from the late 60s or 70s -- where the writer of the liner notes compares Monk to Tim Hardin. Does anyone know which album, and who wrote the liner notes?
  8. Big Beat Steve -- Time is not pressing on this project. Anything you can come up with will be appreciated.
  9. Thanks to all of you. I guess the Joe Goldberg notes to Steamin' must be referencing the Jazz Podium review. I got Joe Goldberg's Jazz Masters of the Fifties when it first came out. My first wife had dated Goldberg. When she mentioned that, I told her I'd really like to meet him, but she told me no, he was her friend, and she wasn't sharing. So I never did get to. I will definitely look up the Lewis Porter biography. Thanks, Mark, you always come through. Big Beat Steve -- if you can find the Jazz Podium story, that would be great -- but it's not life or death for, so if it's too much trouble..,. This will only be a couple of sentences in a long book.
  10. For my book on Prestige Records, I'm looking for contemporary critical quotes questioning Miles's judgment in putting Coltrane into his group.
  11. I wonder how often Monk's music got referred to as dreamy and sexy.
  12. Jsngry -- Thanks a lot. Just what I was looking for.
  13. This is for my book on Prestige, but I'm looking for what must have been an album on Columbia. There's a very weird liner note on the back, from a noted jazz critic, where he talks about his teenager daughter hearing a Monk recording and saying "He's cool -- he sounds sort of like Tim Hardin." Or something like that. Ring a bell with anyone?
  14. I'm writing a book about Prestige, and I'm going to do a chapter on their album covers. I have the coffee table book of Prestige covers, but it doesn't have all of them. Well, of course, it couldn't. I'm probably going to have to cop out and say "numerous covers" or something like that.
  15. Anyone have any idea how many covers David X. Young created for Prestige?
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