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Everything posted by Rabshakeh

  1. Vernard Johnson - in Concert
  2. Pharaoh Sanders - Karma Oh yeah. A great favourite of mine. From their early days. This is the only one I've kept, and agreed that they're not anything like what they should be. Now onto Kaoru Abe - Mort A Credit
  3. Arthur Blythe - Lenox Avenue Breakdown
  4. Butcher, Durrant, Lovens, Malfatti, Russell – News From The Shed
  5. Circle - The Paris Concert
  6. Miles Davis - Agharta Birthday boy.
  7. It's the way it profiles her as being Diego R's little wife, who is trying out painting as a hobby.
  8. Very sad to hear.
  9. Christer Bothén Featuring Bolon Bata – Trancedance
  10. Will give it a go. I'm never sure about Collier but there are some records on which he's been very good. Thanks for bringing it to the attention.
  11. Agharta is a big one for me, for a complex net of personal reasons. The first record I listened to on vinyl. A favourite of my secondary school russian teacher, who used to bring the conversation around to "avantgyard djyaz founkt" during oral tests. A big obsessive record for my elder son, aged 5 (sadly since overtaken by Iron Maiden's Piece of Mind). One of my jazz loving aunt's most hated records (she walked out of the London show of the same tour). But generally such a great record. I fell in love with it long before I enjoyed fusion or even electric Miles more generally. It is such a big aggressive soup. I'll give the birthday boy a spin tonight.
  12. Mat Walerian, Matthew Shipp, Hamid Drake – Jungle Live At Okuden
  13. Marcus Strickland Twi-Life Group – Open Reel Deck (2007) I dismissed this at the time, thinking it was part of the then-burgeoning jazz subgenre of 'theoretically young 30 year old impresses old people by doing supposedly young thing that the old people don't know is out of date'. It does have some of the trappings, like the subpar hip hop, but on revisiting it, I enjoy it quite a lot more than I did.
  14. Pretty grim stuff, but I guess it was 1933, so there was grimmer stuff in the news.
  15. Is this real? What's it from.
  16. Is that one Dirty Old Men reissued? One of my favourites.
  17. Sharkey Bonano – Sounds Of New Orleans Vol. 8 (At Lenfant's Lounge)
  18. Miles Davis - Live at Plugged Nickel
  19. I enjoyed this one a lot more than I thought I would.
  20. I'm most interested in the albums. What I want most is a source that directs me towards the major records that caused a splash in this closed community.
  21. I mean any of it, really. There's a bit more text out there on "trad jazz" in the UK than the very various US scenes. But hardly much even there.
  22. I do wish that there were more places to get information on this sort of music past 1939. There are hardly any guides treating it as anything other than a footnote.
  23. Just wait. It will happen. And when it happens, it will be insufferable.
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