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Everything posted by Rabshakeh

  1. No Try No Fail by Its Leimgruber, Joëlle Leãndre and Fritz Hauser
  2. Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but what was the view on this? I am thinking of taking the plunge.
  3. One Too Many Salty Swift and Not Goodbye by Cecil Taylor
  4. I liked Zorn a fair bit at the time, but I’ve gone off him as a jazz performer and I’m not sure how I rate even the “hits” like the Big Gundown anymore (although I agree withndanasgoodstuff that News for Lulu is a good record). The article did remind me that Guts of a Virgin is a good crossover grindcore record though. i found it interesting hearing the stories of all the metal drummers having their tastebuds wet. Many of those guys were childhood heroes of mine, but I’d never read anything about their time with or thoughts on Zorn. what I don’t understand is why Rolling Stone is suddenly publishing an article of this length. I couldn’t see any upcoming release or retrospective that it is meant to tie into.
  5. There's a big Zorn feature in the new Rolling Stone. It goes on and on. The link, for anyone interested is: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rollingstone.com/v/s/www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/john-zorn-jazz-metal-interview-naked-city-1015329/amp/%3famp_js_v=0.1&usqp=mq331AQFKAGwASA%253D#ampf=
  6. His solo on Bee Vamp is one of my favourite Mal moments.
  7. I’ve been listening to this one too. A fantastic album. I like how Jones’ saxophone stays consistently in the uncomfortable higher range. The rhythm section is great too - so fluid. Thank you both for this recommendation.
  8. Warne Marsh, with Lee Konitz: Jazz Exchange Vol. 1 on Storyville
  9. They are a bit, although I find that there is a step up when they think something’s really saleable (e.g., the stuff on the website). The rest is more reasonable. Overall, a bit cheaper than e.g. Discogs, with postage, and they do get good stuff in, rather than just stocking the same old.
  10. Yep! This is one of the haul. On to Booker Ervin now.
  11. They just started opening record shops in London, and I went for it: Yo-Yo on Hackney Road, for anyone who knows it. The experience was fun - I had to book ahead, and got one on one service (no one else was allowed in). I felt like I was at some sort of upmarket Tokyo sushi bar that only allows one table at a time. Anyway, I went a bit nuts after three months of restraint.
  12. Grupo Folklorico y Experimental Neuvoyorquino (a real autocorrect hazard).
  13. Thanks. I definitely agree on Coin Coin. I have also seen her play in a supporting role at Oto, with Brotzmann last year. It was a great gig, and I was struck by the way that she played during his solos, laying down some counterpoint and harmonic support, which really added something to his ferocious playing. I will give those two that you mention a go, as well as the solo disc - I love a good solo alto recording.
  14. I have been enjoying the Coin Coins a lot over the last couple of weeks. Having digested them, I'd like to hear more of Matana's playing, perhaps without the narrative and vocal elements of the series (although those are obviously a key part of what makes the series so good). Her solos are really good. I would like more of them. Could anyone recommend a record of hers (or perhaps her playing on someone else's date) that isn't part of the Coin Coin series? Would the Sticks & Stoneses still be the best place to start, or are there other albums that have taken their place since this thread began?
  15. I found it in the end: http://destination-out.com/?p=2011, for anyone who is interested.
  16. I've been trying to find this through Google but have had no success. Would you be able to post a link? Thanks, and sorry to be pestering.
  17. He's on the front cover of Q magazine, of all things, this week. Holding up a vinyl copy of Peter Brotzmann's Machine Gun. 2020's been a weird year.
  18. Thanks. I'll give it a go.
  19. I'd be interested to know how it is. I like Butcher on 13 Friendly Numbers but don't have anything else of his. Would New Oakland Burr be a good one to get with Robair? Also, Shipp gets everywhere...
  20. Thanks for the recommendation on Sugar Candle Mines! What an excellent album. I've been digesting it slowly over a couple of listens. I like the movement back and forth between the free jazz / improv sections and the slightly more comforting rock / noise sections, which it only really possible because of the amount of subtle power Cleaver is bringing to the table. Cooper-Moore plays some fantastic solos on Gromek (which is the only track I am so-so on) and Ayler Children. I like Darius Jones a lot on it too, with his war horn, so I will definitely be checking out the album jcam mentioned, although today will sadly be a Keith Tippett day, I think.
  21. Rabshakeh

    Mal Waldron

    I'm thinking of getting one of the LPs that make up Live At Dreher. Does anyone know of any resource that shows how the different tracks compare to the CD release? It is difficult to tell given that the CD and the underlying LPs each contain so many versions of the same tune.
  22. Just got an email saying that the official reissue date is going to be 27 November 2020. Apparently there's going to be a livestream over the Instagram tomorrow at 1pm Eastern, for anyone who's interested.
  23. That's a shame. I was having daydreams of Firebirds Jazz Samba. Thanks for the description, though.
  24. How is it? Almost no internet presence. I'm trying to imagine how a bossa album by Sonny Simmons and Prince Lasha would sound.
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