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Everything posted by Rabshakeh

  1. Anne Briggs - Anne Briggs
  2. William Hooker - Is Eternal Life One of those records that I picked up much too early in my listening career, presumably because it was on some sort of list (Thurston Moore's?). Still a great record and one of my favourites.
  3. Anthony Braxton - For Alto
  4. Eddie Daniels – Street Wind
  5. Albert Ayler - Vibrations
  6. Anthony Braxton - Seven Compositions 1978
  7. Larry Young - Lawrence of Newark The great rediscovery of the first internet age.
  8. Lester Bowie / Phillip Wilson - Duet
  9. Dave Weckl – Heads Up A bunch of players that I don't necessarily care about and a very dated sound, but it is still a good record. Everything about it just pops. What's this one like?
  10. Don Cherry - Mu 1 The six year old is in his Don Cherry phase, it turns out. I tried to make him articulate why he likes it but he basically said he liked 'Brown Rice' so now he likes all Don Cherry, which I guess is how the 6 year old mind works.
  11. They look like cool guys
  12. Soil & "Pimp" Sessions – Pimpin' Japanese band from the 00s. Very limited stuff.
  13. Sorry about your uncle I inherited a lot of my father in law's vinyl. Similar situ.
  14. Tough Tenor Favorites by Eddie "Lockjaw" Davis and Johnny Griffin Every time I listen to a Griffin and Lockjaw record it is better than the last one.
  15. RIP Sad news.
  16. Herb Ellis - Charlie Byrd – Guitar/Guitar
  17. Masayoshi Takanaka – T-Wave His records always have such great covers, and the internet loves them. I listen to them every once in a while to remind myself what they sound like and why I do t really care for them.
  18. Charles Kynard – Your Mama Don't Dance
  19. I hope so. I have seen it a few times on Instagram so there's hope, even if it is just a download-only Bandcamp thing. It sounds quite a lot like 70s spiritual jazz, so if you like Strata East / Black Jazz, etc., you might enjoy it. Worth tracking down.
  20. Sarah Vaughan - A Time in My Life Not really a jazz album, but actually a good record.
  21. Pretty obscure. I found it on a blog back in the day. Worth hearing.
  22. John Coltrane - A Love Supreme
  23. John Coltrane - Interstellar Space
  24. I think that's what threw me. Plenty of other jazz guys had very successful disco careers at the time so it made sense to me, save that I couldn't understand why GB had so few leader dates if he was such a feature of the disco scene.
  25. Bohannon – Summertime Groove Wrong Bohan(n)on, it turns out, but I'm committed now and its not the kind of record you turn off.
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