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Everything posted by Rabshakeh

  1. I thought that too. I am not a huge fan but it seemed very on point at the time.
  2. One of my favourites, mainly due to Carter. I came around a little late for Golia, and his stuff is not easily accessible online, so I never quite got to grips with his discography and who he was. Same for other players of the era like Chapin and Erhlich.
  3. I think it is in that autobiography that he released in the late 00s. Rather slapdash but made a big impact at the time. I see Karyobin as the Shape of European Free Improv to Come and Topography as Spiritual Unity, Euro Free Improv edition.
  4. It's a great record! I knew that before but it is nice to own it. I confess that I was slightly motivated by comedian Stewart Lee listing his copy as his most prized possession. I remember friends who were reading his book when it came out (maybe a decade and a half ago now) asking me about the record. It was the last one available on Discogs and eventually I just caved. It always felt bizarre to own Topography and not this one, given that this is really the grand classique.
  5. Quite enjoyed it. A bit too much of the compositional tableau and a bit too little actual heat for me. I streamed it.
  6. Nope. They’re pretty similar throughout. Not just Impulse! either.
  7. Those are particularly bad. They somehow look so cheap and 80s. Even though they aren't. But even the others are just basic. As Niko says, just the same photo over and over. Coltrane looking stolid, playing his horn, sweating. All the other records that Impulse! put out look great. Archie Shepp, Alice Coltrane, Marion Brown, Sun Ra, all have great covers. Whereas all Coltrane records are the same, barring maybe Interstellar Space, which has some clouds, and Ballads, which has a camera angle.
  8. The Jacques Schols Quartet – What Is There To Say Enjoyed this stream. I don't know Ruud Brink. Are there other records on which he plays that members would recommend?
  9. Seriously, why do they all look like that? Atlantic wasn't always so hot, but Impulse! at least put decent money towards innovative and varied design. Why are all John Coltrane records basically the same?
  10. RIP. One of the last remaining figures from that generation.
  11. And more William Bang Esq: Billy Bang - Sweet Space
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