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Dub Modal

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Everything posted by Dub Modal

  1. Good stuff. Listened to all the tracks and enjoyed them. No guesses but thanks for putting it together.
  2. As a native NC'er that title intrigues me quite a bit
  3. That is absolute horse shit logic of the first degree from major labels. Sucks that Spotify caved.
  4. That reads like a troll comment in long form. Maybe performative to some extent?
  5. Late to the game this month. Ignoring other posts... 1. Love this track. Seems like it could be the Messengers, very Blakey-esque drumming. But the sax sounds like Joe Henderson maybe...? Great regardless. 2. Barnstorming tempo. The sax solo is fast. But no wasted notes, just all over the horn. Impressive. Piano doesn't have to comp fast and whoever it is provides a nice balance to these horns and the drums/bass. I like this one too but no guesses. Hearing some pops like this is a needle drop as well. 3. Good track. What is this style called... Like a New Orleans shuffle maybe? Catchy and well played. 4. I was kind of hoping this would remain just a guitar/violin duo. The guitar has the heft to carry that. McLaughlin? Ok, the horn is good too. Probably a great drummer but kind of unnecessary here. Yeah, good tune again Randy. Well done man. 5. This one grew on me as it went along. By the end I dig it, but no guesses. 6. The bass player brings it home. Good tune, very chill. 7. Horn player is familiar but I can't guess it. Sounds like they're dragging the intro along maybe too long. 8. Oh yeah, synths - nice variation. Then it goes full blown hard rock lol. Ok, well theres a saxophone. It's like that Jazz Sabbath album or something. I like the tune and it sounds like they're having fun. Rock on! 9. This one sounds familiar too but no guesses. Great selection Randy. Thanks for putting it together 👍
  6. RIP. Love his albums.
  7. I'm not a musician, just a listener, and for me it's the texture, vibe and interactions within these Braxton compositions that he provides that honestly elevate these sets. For recs, I like both this new box and the Zim set from 2017 although I'm definitely intrigued by Clifford's rec above which I havent heard.
  8. 90s night time TV throwback Matlock first popped up for me on the Braxton 12 Comp Zim set. Been a fan of his since I heard that. Definitely recommended if you haven't yet checked that out.
  9. Mentioned with the newest posts in the Braxton thread I'm a fan and enjoy this. Adam Matlock is always a highlight.
  10. I had a hard time reading through the linked article. The author lost me early on and as I skimmed through the rest nothing really piqued my interest. For general mood like this I think I'd prefer reading Robinson Jeffers.
  11. Interesting...
  12. I have the '86 set so maybe in the market for this one. Thanks for posting the news.
  13. RIP. Much respect to him and condolences to his family.
  14. Two songs into previewing this via Bandcamp and I'll be buying, prob just the digital release.
  15. Great. Thank you
  16. Yeah, entertaining as they show how corrupt the Euro Pez corporation is. Poor fella had no idea what he was in for
  17. Have any US-based forum members ever purchased from Storyville on Bandcamp? Currency is in DKK, which is good against the dollar, but wondering if this material is available elsewhere? They've got some interesting archive releases. Any recs on standout sets?
  18. I should have mentioned that I don't mind these award shows, although the Academy awards are usually my least favorite as they tend to be a bit stuffy and drag along a bit. They were much better those years that Billy C hosted.
  19. Just watched the Netflix doc The Pez Outlaw, which touches on collecting and flipping rare pieces for profit. I recommend that movie, especially from the angle of artificial scarcity and value. Reminded me a bit of the MMJ reissues vs the new Blue Note reissue programs.
  20. I saw Oppenheimer last year and was unable to watch these awards. Saw that it basically cleaned up. I wasn't impressed, but like Titanic, it must have involved a bunch of sophistication, tech specs etc that film buffs love and reward. It had its moments but overall was a boring slog for this uneducated film goer.
  21. Individual sellers seem to get left out in the cold when it comes to online auctions. Shops that buy collections don't/won't pay top dollar but can turn around and potentially get good money via eBay, taking on all the risk that an average individual wouldn't want to deal with. I'm sure there are some success stories out there with records and other collectibles but it appears all the big dollar items go back to stores/businesses.
  22. Great info. Thank you
  23. Thanks! I was searching for possible tracks from Tyner and Jones but wasn't having any luck. The Pee Wee is good too, bc that's definitely off the radar.
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