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Dub Modal

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Everything posted by Dub Modal

  1. The correction to that correction came out yesterday or the day before where it was disclosed that he actually never had a driver's license, only a state ID. Apparently he's never had a driver's license in any state, ever.
  2. Less than a week in, here's the status so far: Tracks fully ID'd: 1, 2, 12 & 14 Partial IDs: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ,8, 10, 11, 13 The Mystery: 9 Partial IDs range from a singular artist involved being named to just about the whole thing but not quite enough. Hopefully others will chime in with thoughts.
  3. Indeed it is. A great set imo
  4. Thanks! I'll see what I can find.
  5. Awesome! Now if I could only find that option on the app. Maybe I'll see it on the desktop version? If anyone has a screenshot and/or advice on how to access the annual sub via the app please share.
  6. It's great but I put Cuban Linx slightly above it.
  7. Lol I was wondering if I should have awarded partial credit for that but I didnt want to give it all away.
  8. Far and away not an audiophile set lol. Thanks for listening and sharing some thoughts. It wasn't my original intent to have this many clarinet times but it ended up that way. BFTs can be funny and take a life of their own when trying to put them together. Fwiw, the clarinetist on track 2 is Ed Hall (IDd above) and it seems like of those songs this was the better one for you. What do you think track 5 is? No one has guessed it yet. You nailed tracks 12-14. Yes to McDuff and McPhee! How did you come around to knowing it was McDuff on 13?
  9. Classic boom bap from the early 90s. It's definitely raw but I recommend keeping it. It doesn't stream in the US, so physical is the only way to go. Ill Street Blues is great
  10. That was nice of them! Happy listening and good luck with the sales. The Dre Chronic is an absolute classic.
  11. That big bag of hip hop has some gems
  12. Dune 2 Despite the efforts of everyone involved the story is corny af and they can't save that.
  13. Nice. Azymuth is good stuff
  14. 1. Not Kenny. Track ID'd fully 2. Teddy Wilson is correct! 3. Not Goodman. Partially IDd above. 4. Not Louis. The clarinet player was IDd by Jsngry above 5. Not Bechet. No one has guessed this one yet. 6. Not Moncur. Mjzee IDd Muhal Abrams. 7. None of those. 8. Not Nana 9. Glad you dug this 10. Yep, it's Duke 11. Not Clooney. See the convo above. 12. Sax player IDd by Jsngry, but there's a Mingus connection. 13. Not Earland 14. Not Trane Thanks for taking the time, hope you enjoyed it. Someone, somewhere has that story.
  15. She did a few other songs so maybe it was networked somehow
  16. Right again! Shelby Davis aka The Little Mountain Sweetheart
  17. Glad you enjoyed it! 1. Right on the song title and Getz. ID'd earlier. Johnny Smith would be the fleet guitarist. I think that description fits here. I like how he jumps into his solo here. 2. Teddy Wilson and Ed Hall correct! Unfettered indeed. 3. Spot on with Earl Hines. 4. Pee Wee it is! You're on fire. He's not the leader but sleuthing the rest is probably easier now. 5. Basic yeah, but a lot of purpose behind that. 6. No George Lewis here. Muhal Richard Abrams IDd as on keys. 7. I'm pretty sure you could sleuth this one. 8. Tabla for sure 12. Yep, Clifford Jordan it is! 14. Spot on again with Contemplation. Impressive for sure. No Gayle though... Excellent job naming a bunch of these players and tunes.
  18. Glad I saw this thread. That is an amazing set. Right to the top of the list on my next Bandcamp purchase.
  19. 1. Correct! I love that set and this song stands out. 2. Correct on the song, but not De Franco or Tatum. 3. Not Byas 4. Not Blue Note or Hodes. 5. Not Watters. Agree on the archaic rhythm, and I suspect this song is much older than this recording date. 6. Correct on Muhal! Nice work. Not Sirone. 7. Damn, good on Johnny Smith here too! It's his work on this song as the reason this is included. But he's not the leader on this tune... 8. Holland on bass. You're all over this BFT! Good work. Not his date though. 9. Not the bassist's date. 10. Not Bechet. 11. Correct on song title! 12. Not Blythe 13. Not a Muse title, but there is a bassist involved. Good ears. 14. Not Coleman or Liebman. No Elvin. Great job! Glad you enjoyed the set. Very welcome! 1. Not Farlow. Guessed by mjzee above. 9. Not ECM actually. Although there's an ECM track on this BFT. 14. I'm not sure of any connection to Foster's Simone - it's not him or any of the others. They are playing someone's composition who is not in the band, and maybe it was originally based on Foster's song...? I'm not sure. Glad you dug this though.
  20. A day early as I won't have time to post tomorrow morning: https://thomkeith.net/blindfold-tests/current-tests/ Hope y'all enjoy! ..
  21. Nice! I've been a couple of times even though I don't consider myself a bluegrass fan. It's a nice festival they've got there. The down home feeling they cultivate due to the entire community being involved is pretty unique.
  22. If you dig bluegrass I can't recommend Merlefest high enough. Definitely check it out at some point if you're able.
  23. 🤦‍♂️lol that's what I get for reading without my glasses.
  24. Ed Cherry definitely listened to some Grant Green albums. And I can't believe I had a positive reaction to Iverson. BFTs can be great for demonstrating bias I guess. And nice to know that track 11 was from McLaughlin. But what about the last track, the live Ohio Players?
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