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Dub Modal

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Everything posted by Dub Modal

  1. Another option would be local auction houses. My dad has a lot of LPs he doesn't play anymore and I've advised him to think about whether he wants to sell them and use the money to enjoy now. He's somewhat motivated but beyond cataloging his LPs he hasn't made any move yet. He hasn't started on his 45s either, which is a pretty substantial collection. I've mentioned the auction joints recently and he said he'd take a look.
  2. In trying to help my dad with his collection (not jazz), I've advised him to catalogue via discogs or spreadsheet and sell in bulk or at a record show (or both). Piecemealing them out either in an online market like discogs, other sites, or at auction takes a special individual which neither of us are.
  3. I've sold some Mosaic sets after ripping the music and taking some notes from the booklets. Honestly, it was pretty satisfying to have them gone from the shelves and into the hands of folks who had interest in the music. I've come to dislike the size of these boxes and have held off buying several of them due to the space they take up. I do like the booklets and the corresponding size of the photos in them. I kind of wish Mosaic could publish volumes of just the booklets into several editions but I'm sure there's licensing issues there. I think the majority of these sets will tank in value in the next 5 to 10 years, save some small percentage of them.
  4. Yeah, I dug it way more than I thought I would - and I'm not sure why I had any trepidations. It's excellent. Along with the Tom Skinner and Fingers releases, Bandcamp has been a treasure trove lately.
  5. I can't find any reference online as to what this picture references, either a video shoot, tour date, or something else. Madonna's outfit suggests it's not a recording date either.
  6. Looked for this on discogs but didn't see it. It's on Spotify though, and in good sound. Nice record.
  7. The ECM cut is 8. The Abrams track is from a well known adjacent label.
  8. Tavares has some gems. They also gave a lot of musicians work, like Pete Christlieb, Oscar Brashear and others 👍
  9. Hell yeah. The Journey is a standout track for me.
  10. I don't have any other music like Richards', and that all comes from the Mosaic Select. There are some real gems of playing on that set (Seldon Powell!), but the accoutrements of Richard's compositions can be challenging to get through at times. This is one of those tracks.
  11. Yep!
  12. This Tom Skinner album smokes from start to finish: https://intlanthem.bandcamp.com/album/voices-of-bishara-live-at-mu- Kareem Days on cello, Chelsea Carmichael on ts/flute, Tom Herbert on bass, Robert Tillman on ts. Recorded live in January 2023 and released last month. I can't recommend this highly enough.
  13. Thanks! Putting together these BFTs takes some time and while I don't stack them with my favorite tracks, I do try to include interesting/good songs that maybe not everyone is familiar with. I'm sure that I'm not alone in that regard. If anyone is out there and feeling shy about contributing, just go back and read some of my own responses to other BFTs. I barely guess anyone correctly, and am off in one day or another otherwise. You literally can't do any worse. This is where I usually live bc unless I'm familiar with the tune, its hard for me to make an accurate guess. If I get one right, it's along the lines of a broken clock being correct twice a day - purely accidental!
  14. I wonder if it's just a burnout factor as we approach mid-year?
  15. Looking forward to it 👍 I may switch months next year, depending on what's available.
  16. 12 days into June and only 5 contributors so far. Plenty to guess here still, so if you get time please share some thoughts.
  17. Incredibly strong album.
  18. Oh man, Gerbal on drums here is awesome.
  19. Looks super interesting This one has been on my to buy list for some time. DJ Premier classic. Some of the best jazz sampling in hip hop.
  20. I have #5, recent purchase, and it's very good. Bought a box set of 1-4 at the same time. Will go for 6 as well at some point after it's released. Agreed on the playing of Sam Jones for vol 5.
  21. These are supposed to sound great and I don't have this album so PM to buy incoming.
  22. I'm not 100% sure of the details but I think it was a DWLR charge, which went through the hearing by mistake. When in actuality he didn't have a DL to begin with. My guess is their state DMV system has...issues.
  23. I think this was Michigan, and there was definitely a snafu in their system. This catching national attention and playing out in real time is wild.
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