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Dub Modal

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Everything posted by Dub Modal

  1. Ha, unlike @Gheorghe I dig this. Maybe the entire string section isn’t necessary but the sitar, guitar and tablas look to be played by guys with chops. Thanks for posting it
  2. Only a couple of the songs from this album don’t quite meet that standard. One of my favorite records from Pablo.
  3. That actually might be better without the drum track. NP: Hicks with Idris Muhammad & Walter Booker from '85.
  4. Much better. Kenny Drew with Frank Butler & Leroy Vinnegar.
  5. Bit of a snooze fest even with Cedar Walton, David Williams & Michael Carvin.
  6. Not familiar with Joel Harrison either but found this. Interesting...
  7. Trying this as posted on this label's forum thread. Nice work.
  8. My trip to Boston came 2 weeks too early damn it. Would love to see Oatts live
  9. The bill opened up radio station ownership so that large conglomerates could control multiple stations. That set the standard for the market and they played only what sold (and could skillfully hide payola schemes) so experimentation was sunset in favor of cashing in.
  10. Going all in with Augustus Pablo yesterday evening and into this AM Excellent box set/comp 👍
  11. Yeah, it’s interesting to look back and see all the various hybrid experimentation going on back then. I suspect the US’ telecom bill in ‘96 was the catalyst behind the start of large scale homogenization.
  12. I was looking to get further insight on this peek into the power of idiocy but it’s paywalled
  13. Augustus Pablo 1990s session Blowing With the Wind.
  14. Easing into some Sun Ra with Gerry, Johnny, Max, Clifford et. al. I like that Williamson/Clark/Lewis rhythm section on the Hodges/Mulligan. Music to drink coffee to. Streaming the Ra, but notice the ESP set has some pdf's that look interesting. Probably worthwhile picking it up.
  15. More impetus to get a copy of this book along with the Oral History by Applebaum that’s cited. They say Rosicrucian membership is by invite only, and that you don’t just walk up somewhere and sign on the dotted line. Would be interesting to see what info is shared on Sonny’s going into that.
  16. Bish at the Bank really highlights the best of Bishop’s playing. Really nice album
  17. Been meaning to give this a listen. Taking a cue with your post
  18. I got into reggae way before I rediscovered jazz. I still listen to and enjoy music from JA but jazz is a much deeper pool (maybe an ocean to reggae’s sea?) Once I realized that I started to spend way more time with this music.
  19. Ha, I knew there were some reggae fans around here somewhere 😎
  20. When you see or smell something that might be weed, there’s a good chance it’s not. There are cbd products that contain delta 8 or 9 which come in edibles or vape/smoke products and these are legal at the federal level via the 2018 farm bill (if that year is wrong, it’s one close to it). Unless you see the label, you wouldn’t be able to tell by looking if it’s weed or a cbd product. They come in joints and buds that look exactly the same. It’s weaker than typical weed as well but gives a similar buzz if dosed at higher levels. Just want to add that I think schedule 1 is ridiculous no matter the substance. That classification bars it from research which is ignorant and draconian. When debates flare up in legislatures there’s always someone opposed to legalization that brings up that there’s no research as to what these substances do to people. Well, thanks to them advocating schedule 1 classification you’ll never see domestic research funded or performed. It’s a ridiculous and absurd position but unironically advocated by people in a position to know better. What a shame.
  21. Received my order quickly with no problems. Thanks @ejp626
  22. Agreed. I picked up what I thought were a few influences that included Blythe and perhaps some from the Emarcy Mulligan bands.
  23. Interesting on Rollins’ writings. Sounds like a forthcoming collection maybe? Would be nice…and why the Rosicrucian seal I wonder?
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