I did a prerequisite search of the site but didn't find any threads that dealt specifically with Polish jazz in this Recommendations forum. If I missed it, please advise.
On a recent trip to Krakow, I noticed that there seemed to be a considerable jazz scene there. From buskers on the corner to the Summer Krakow Jazz Festival posters (that I unfortunately missed by a few days, and that included acts like Meldhau & James Carter's Organ Trio), and the HQ of Audio Cave - a prominent Polish jazz label. There was a record vendor in the Okraglak day market that was super nice and who hipped me to several Polish jazz artists, and he especially loved Audio Cave LPs. I had all the intent in the world to go back there that afternoon and pick something up but missed him. Since then I've found Audio Cave on Bandcamp and have enjoyed several of those artists like Tubis Trio, Fumanek, Dominik Strycharski, Gralak, Taduesz Sudnik et al. I'm definitely familiar with Tomasz Stanko and enjoy several of his albums.
If anyone else digs Polish jazz, please chime in and provide some recs.