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The Blue Sounds

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  1. Thanks guys. I've sent a message, I trust he'll forgive the direct approach from a complete stranger....
  2. Hi All, I'm hoping someone on here may be able to help me track down some people and, in addition, a single cut by my Dad's group in the mid-60s. Dad passed away on the 2nd of January. He was 80 and had a true passion for music, a passion he passed on to my brother and I. The house was full of LPs and of a wonderful soundtrack growing up that could see Roland Kirk follow The Meters and Dr John follow The Undertones. He would listen to anything, although he struggled with most hip hop tbh. Anyway, Dad was called Austin Harding (he was actually James Austin Harding but nobody called him James) and he was the singer in a group called The Blue Sounds. He was from Middlesbrough but the group were based in Leeds where he went to University. I've uploaded an article about them from the Leeds Uni Union newspaper that gives the personnel and a little more detail. I know that, sadly, Brian 'Dougie' Douglas and Paul Woodrow have also passed away but understand that Danny Padmore may still be playing bass but haven't any idea where Stuart Kelsey or Dave Strutt may be. The band cut a single, I think Chuck Berry's 'Nadine' was one of the songs. I've never been able to track it down. I suppose, in reality, with Dad still there, I thought 'I'll find it one day'. It seems far more important now. He told some great tales of being in the band and of the people he met and played with. Some big names, but he never tried to dine out on it. He wasn't that kind of bloke. Anyway, hopefully someone out there maybe knows of the band, remembers them, knows where people are or even has the single! I was told it was played on Radio Luxembourg but don't know if that's right. Thanks for reading this far and to Jim for letting me join your forum. Cheers Matt P.S. I posted this in 'Announcements' but I suspect that meant people couldn't reply
  3. Will do, thanks Chuck
  4. Hi, Just joined and posted in the 'Announcements' section. It doesn't appear to have an option for people to reply to the post. Have I put it in the wrong place? Any ideas? Thanks, Matt
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