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Eric B

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Everything posted by Eric B

  1. Clifford Jordan “These Are My Roots.” Trying to study what Tootie Heath is doing.
  2. Deep thanks and respect to @Christiern for sharing these rich recollections. And thank you to the broader Organissimo enterprise as well for keeping this place alive and for keeping first-hand historical info like this publicly available.
  3. I saw Jason Moran & the Bandwagon at the Vanguard a couple times during the week of Thanksgiving. The 10pm Thursday set was one of the great music-going experiences of my life. Band played with incredible intensity. Centerpiece of the set was a rendition of McCoy’s “Fly With The Wind” that went HARD.
  4. Shaking off 13 years of dust from this thread…I finally saw the light regarding Charles Christopher Parker and I have been exploring his live oeuvre with the aid of this and a couple other old Organissimo threads. My present live Bird faves would have to be: 1. Complete Savoy Live 4-CD set (duh). Bebop chapter and verse right here I suppose. Great that it’s available on streaming, but also v happy to have found the CDs for $12 on eBay. 2. Town Hall 1945 on Uptown. Sadly *not* on streaming, but the the CDs are out there and damn if it ain’t worth it. I often listen to music whilst dozing at night, and a couple weeks ago “Bebop” — and particularly Max Roach’s bass drum — woke me from my slumber. Chills. I have listened a bunch since then and if I had to pick a single live Bird track this would be it — the audience erupting when Bird walks onto the stage mid tune, his solo, the ambience is just incredible. Fire. 3. Summit Meeting at Birdland. The first set with Roy Haynes, Dizzy, Bud, and…and… (lol Symphony Sid) Tommy Potter is dope. Roy Haynes absolutely kills on this. The second set with the John Lewis-Klook ensemble is sadly not recorded as well, but as far as I can make out this is the only live recording of Klook and Bird playing together, and it’s wonderful to hear those geniuses in action together. Kind of genteel overall, especially John Lewis, but if you listen close you can hear Klook dropping some shit. 4. Boston 1952 on Uptown — the Twarzik set. Bird slays, and the rest of the band is right there with him. And the audio quality is fantastic. 5. The Open Door 2-disc set on Ember. Bird’s playing on here is just different from a lot of the other stuff I’ve heard. Slower and mellower tone and I guess just “weirder” maybe. Not as firey. I love it. And I love Arthur Taylor. Thanks to you all and hello to any newbies who may stumble upon this in future. I will end this with the Yeats quote used in the Open Door liner notes: “Thou wast not born for death immortal Bird.” He will never die.
  5. I have been listening to, and been floored by, those live recordings of Clifford Jordan and the Magic Triangle lately. Need a spot to remark on my enthusiasm and this is probably the only spot on the internet that might care. On Stage Vol. 3 is blowing my mind right now. The first cut, Seven Minds, legit sounds like they're channeling the Coltrane Quartet. Then a couple songs later they're doing this burning calypso St Thomas. Feel like few working bands displayed such mastery and range. Ay other fans??
  6. Ha! Listening again today sober as a judge and it continues to be a rich pleasure. I know backlogs are crazy right now, but have you considered doing vinyl reissues of any of the Art Ensemble titles?
  7. Just smoked some weed and put on "Air Time"...one of life's rich pleasures. I really only know Mr. Threadgill's Air and Sextett output (although I did get to see Zooid live a couple years ago). Need to dig into the rest of his body of work. Just ordered POOF. That dedication is moving -- I hope Maestros Jamal, Rollins, Shorter, Lloyd, and Shepp have all received it.
  8. Jason Moran and the Bandwagon killed it last night in Denver. Steam available on YT: Not really a fan of Tarus's acoustic bass guitar though -- an upright or regular electric would sound so much better imo.
  9. Just pulled the trigger on gel prints of Max Roach "The Thinker" in sunglasses and Bobby Timmons lying down with a cigarette. The Bobby Timmons says sold out now, so guess I got the last one.
  10. Looking for a copy of this 2CD set. Please let me know if you have one you'd be willing to sell.
  11. Just completed my first stream. Band is smokin. Generally prefer the instrument stuff but occasionally the vocals really work.
  12. Out October 29: https://stevecoleman.bandcamp.com/album/live-at-the-village-vanguard-volume-ii-mdw-ntr
  13. I can only assume everyone is too busy trying to track down Larry's fashion show appearances and modeling assignments to respond!
  14. So good and so hard to find. I got the Live in Tokyo LPs and thought I'd be satisfied, but after one spin I need more.
  15. Greetings -- I am on the hunt for VG+/NM copies of the following Max Roach Quartet LPs -- Nommo Live in Amsterdam The Loadstar Will pay top dollar for clean copies. Please PM me if you are interested in selling. Eric
  16. Cool archival release put up on Bandcamp by Barney McAll. Great notes / personal recollections too. https://extracelestialarts.bandcamp.com/album/billy-harper-quintet-live-in-brooklyn
  17. Eric B

    The Cookers

    Stoked for the Cookers LP. Gearbox seems like a great outfit. Loved the Mønk archival release they did a couple years back, and this Cookers session looks first-class all the way.
  18. Via Ethan Iverson on Twitter: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CP9iMPRgnrP/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  19. “The Maze” encourages the performers to collaboratively interact with all the traditionally and graphically notated materials in a manner that problematizes separatist notions of “improvisation” and “composition,” cultivating a sonic universe in which such a binary never existed in the first place. Love to problematize separatist notions Incidentally, I had the privilege of seeing Douglas Ewart with Irreversible Entanglements at the Walker in Mpls last night. He really elevated the set.
  20. Re CD sales -- I read an interesting interview with Steve Feigenbaum of Cuneiform Records recently, from Feb. 2020. Granted Cuneiform is a niche within a niche, but pretty eye opening for me at least. https://plusoneme.substack.com/p/steve-feigenbaum-talks-about-cuneiform You don’t see much about CD sales. They don’t talk about it because it isn’t perceived as interesting or hip by the media. Something that I can sell 1,000 copies of as a CD, if it comes out on vinyl, and the band doesn’t take any from me, maybe I can sell 75 or 100.
  21. Eric B

    Geri Allen

    I believe this is a boot, originating from a London performance that was broadcast on BBC. It has seemingly disappeared from the web apart from YouTube, though. If you don't already have it, the Geri + Paul + Charlie set from the Montreal Tapes is worth seeking out.
  22. Eric B

    Joe Henderson

    I am dusting off this old thread simply to express my gratitude for the fantastic insight and opinions all of you share on this forum. I just created an account so I can finally register my thanks for this place and for you people. Any time I have wanted to get smart about an artist or album over the past couple years I've always just punched [artist] or [album] + organissimo into Google and more often than not I've been led to good stuff. This thread has been one of my faves over the course of my hours lurking here, so seemed a fitting place to say thanks for sharing your insights and for keeping the internet interesting! Also, I should add: if anyone would like a copy of the complete performance of Joe's 1971 Junk Club Tokyo set (of "Joe Henderson in Japan" fame), send me a message and I'll get it to you. Even if you're already familiar with 4 of the 5 tunes, hearing the emcee announce "Ladies and gentlemen, Junk is proud to present Joe Henderson Quartet..." as the band slams into "Junk Blues" will get your blood pumping...
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