Shaking off 13 years of dust from this thread…I finally saw the light regarding Charles Christopher Parker and I have been exploring his live oeuvre with the aid of this and a couple other old Organissimo threads.
My present live Bird faves would have to be:
1. Complete Savoy Live 4-CD set (duh). Bebop chapter and verse right here I suppose. Great that it’s available on streaming, but also v happy to have found the CDs for $12 on eBay.
2. Town Hall 1945 on Uptown. Sadly *not* on streaming, but the the CDs are out there and damn if it ain’t worth it. I often listen to music whilst dozing at night, and a couple weeks ago “Bebop” — and particularly Max Roach’s bass drum — woke me from my slumber. Chills. I have listened a bunch since then and if I had to pick a single live Bird track this would be it — the audience erupting when Bird walks onto the stage mid tune, his solo, the ambience is just incredible. Fire.
3. Summit Meeting at Birdland. The first set with Roy Haynes, Dizzy, Bud, and…and… (lol Symphony Sid) Tommy Potter is dope. Roy Haynes absolutely kills on this. The second set with the John Lewis-Klook ensemble is sadly not recorded as well, but as far as I can make out this is the only live recording of Klook and Bird playing together, and it’s wonderful to hear those geniuses in action together. Kind of genteel overall, especially John Lewis, but if you listen close you can hear Klook dropping some shit.
4. Boston 1952 on Uptown — the Twarzik set. Bird slays, and the rest of the band is right there with him. And the audio quality is fantastic.
5. The Open Door 2-disc set on Ember. Bird’s playing on here is just different from a lot of the other stuff I’ve heard. Slower and mellower tone and I guess just “weirder” maybe. Not as firey. I love it. And I love Arthur Taylor.
Thanks to you all and hello to any newbies who may stumble upon this in future. I will end this with the Yeats quote used in the Open Door liner notes:
“Thou wast not born for death immortal Bird.”
He will never die.