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  1. Just stopped by to say R.I.P., McCoy Tyner
  2. Ron Thorne's son Justin (jtx), an administrator of jazztalk.net, has posted a beautiful tribute to Ron in the form of a banner there. If you wish, go take a look --- https://jazztalk.net/index.php
  3. Ron was an outstanding friend. R.I.P.
  4. Now you seem to know that some women do in fact like "real musIc." I won't pursue this any further, but I think you're making progress. Maybe you could discuss the situation with a female free jazz musician. — Rita
  5. Right. (I'll leave it at that.)
  6. That's correct — not one woman likes real music. I always thought it was hormonal, but that's just me, Rita.
  7. I don't know whether Fortune was the leader on any recordings with Nat Adderley, but per Wikipedia, As sideman . . . With Nat Adderley On the Move (Theresa, 1983) Blue Autumn (Theresa, 1985) Autumn Leaves (Sweet Basil, 1990 [1991]) Work Song: Live at Sweet Basil (Sweet Basil, 1990 [1993]) (And apparently they all made it to CD.)
  8. I remember R.Crumb's jazz cards and his blues cards but not his country (music) cards, though I've seen a few of the country cards' illustrations in isolation. On Amazon, I just saw each of the three — blues, jazz, and country by R.Crumb — reissued in 2017 and available as sets of cards. That's in addition to the book that features the illustrations from all three. They are listed as follows on Amazon: Heroes of the Blues Boxed Trading Card Set by R. Crumb Early Jazz Greats Boxed Trading Card Set by R. Crumb Pioneers of Country Music Boxed Trading Card Set by R. Crumb and the book is listed as R. Crumb's Heroes of Blues, Jazz & Country The book comes "along with an exclusive 21-track CD of music selected and compiled by Crumb himself . . . " and a bio of each musician.
  9. AFAIK, that's not an example of a hoax; it's just using a pseudonym to designate the recording artist for a piece of music that's not meant to be a joke.
  10. The illustrious Hans Groiner (do y'all know who his alter ego is?):
  11. 2,329 results for "you tube audio" Fortunately, one can filter the results by add-on type and operating system and sort them by various properties, including being top-rated.
  12. Maybe because Junior Cook died in 1992 and Jimmy Heath is 91 (I see)?
  13. So now you have! It's Laubrock, with an R. She's originally from Germany; she and the drummer Tom Rainey are married. She's done a lot of playing with the guitarist Mary Halvorson as well as with Rainey, but lately she's been writing and recording orchestral music. Several years ago I saw her with Capricorn Climber, a group led by the pianist Kris Davis. Davis didn't impress me much, but Ingrid Laubrock knocked me out! (Thanks, y'all who commented on the tenor players I suggested.)
  14. Ingrid Laubrock Tony Malaby Ellery Eskelin They too, IMO, "can be deep in the tradition and be very fiery and distinctive" (—Milestones).
  15. Above, I asked who the bassist was. I've since been told and received a confirmation that it's Teddy Kotick.
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