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  1. Please stream spanking DVDs now.
  2. Guitarist Johnny Smith; mid period (post Atlantic pre ECM) Charles Lloyd; Al Haig.
  3. .....that is to say, I'm a jazz fan not an outreach worker.
  4. I'm 57, I've never drunk alcohol, I spent two years on crystal meth in the early 70s, two years on valium and cocaine in the mid 70s, I've smoked dope every day for the last 25 years, I eat too much fat, I exercise. I still float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.
  5. Given that most programmes about jazz on mainstream TV tend to pitch themselves at viewers with some interest in but without much knowledge of the subject - the ratings imperative - I thought this one stood up better than most. I particularly enjoyed hearing Coltrane's speaking voice; I've got most of his recorded work but I don't think I'd ever heard him actually speak before.
  6. Hey Dan - How ya doin', fatso? And how's your wrist holding up?
  7. Hey Gary - a clue: I was born in Knowle (of & Dorridge fame), as I previously told you in a PM. You didn't reply, presumably thinking I could be some sort of maniac. You are right, I am! And you'll learn my real ID when the book is out.
  8. It's not so much that it's a shallow book, more that it's such a relentlessly pedestrian one. Session details follow session details follow session details ad nauseam. A real missed opportunity, for which I suppose I should be grateful because...... I have just concluded a social history of Blue Note 1939-70, for publication this fall, which gives as much space to people, personalities and off-mike activities as it does to the recordings themselves. If I say so myself, it's the page-turner to end all page-turners and a book that every post-bop jazz fan will want to own, for a good read and for a rich seam of previously unknown information. So those of you who know and love me as PFunkJazz will shortly know my real identity (!)
  9. I am very disappointed by the tenor of replies to this post, in some of which it is possible to detect symptons of denial or traces of abuse. Let's try to approach the issue in an adult manner, please.
  10. Does anyone else wonder how the typical Organissimo board member would be defined? By gender, income, age, etc etc. Based on observation of the board rather than strictly quantifiable research data, the picture of a typical member that I get is of: an obese American white male, who puts in a straight six hours a day on the board, shovelling junk food and beer in one end while expelling Bronx cheers out the other, occasionally breaking to surf some porn and maybe jerk off, who thinks Kerry is some sort of radical, and all the while imagines, Walter Mitty-like, that he's an influential and respected arbiter of taste at the centre of the jazz world. Does this ring any bells?
  11. Specifically, I am looking for details of sessions Lloyd did for the singer Tim Buckley circa May 1966 and of a field recording with Native American musicians in New Mexico in fall 1968 or 1969. So far as I know the Buckley sessions were only released in France, in the mid 1970s, and the New Mexico sessions only available to subscribers of the (now defunct) magazine Straight Arrow. I would hesitate to say these are the only gaps in my Lloyd discography - these will only emerge after publication of course - but they're the only ones I'm aware of now.
  12. Any Charles Lloyd fans out there who could contribute to some arcane discographical research for a biography to be published this autumn? Any help you could give would be gratefully acknowledged.
  13. If you only buy one box set in your life, make it the Benedetti!
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