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Dan Gould

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Everything posted by Dan Gould

  1. I saw an extremely rare Jutta Hipp LP at a local store about a month ago. I'm afraid I can't recall the name, but half of it was Jutta with some German cats and the other half was a British band. Guy wanted $75 and I just couldn't justify that. But maybe Michael could license that material to fill out a MS set.
  2. And one more for you organ people: That rare Pacific Jazz LP features Groove Holmes, Les McCann and Curtis Amy. Still wondering what possessed Dick Bock to record a Chicago bluesman with stellar jazz accompaniment. But I'm looking forward to hearing how they came together in the studio!
  3. Can't believe that in the rush to recreate the old board, this thread hasn't appeared yet. Anyway, here's a find that you organ grooving people may pretty much spit up your soda at: Now, its not ACTUALLY that extraordinarily rare release, but I have been assured that the entire LP was reissued on two late 70s Muse LPs, and those two LPs are now winging their way to me. So between the track listing and that lovely image, I think its safe to say that unless you really want to know what's on the back of the LP, I got that sucker!
  4. "I'm a doctor, Jim, not a mortician!"
  5. I think this is just my second post here. First off, kudos to B3-er for coming through like this, you've done a great job. When I decided to give up on the BNBB, I looked around and felt as though AAJ was the place to settle, because I don't see this site getting the steady stream of new blood that BN or AAJ attracts, not unless something serious is done to promote the site. I also have to admit that despite my past on the BNBB I was happy to be at a forum with NO politics allowed. I've learned that it just brings out the worst in people and that no one ever changes anyone's mind, its just a big pissing contest where everyone gets hosed eventually Now of course, P-Rock has raised his foolishness, but frankly I am not going to be run off any board by some pissant member. And I'd like to point out to everyone that P-Rock is really the only person who has raised these BS objections. Hopefully I will not have to activate the "ignore" function, but right now I am going to stay at AAJ for the foreseeable future. There's just no way I can keep up with two boards. But I have to say, with Lon and Jim S, among others, here, I may just get my shirt tugged over here more often than I expect to Once again, good job, B3-er, its good to see so many people over here and hanging together. See ya when I see ya. The BNBBer formerly known as GHF
  6. I saw that Live at the Key Club LP very recently, but it looked pretty beaten up for the price so I passed.
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