I think this is just my second post here.
First off, kudos to B3-er for coming through like this, you've done a great job.
When I decided to give up on the BNBB, I looked around and felt as though AAJ was the place to settle, because I don't see this site getting the steady stream of new blood that BN or AAJ attracts, not unless something serious is done to promote the site. I also have to admit that despite my past on the BNBB I was happy to be at a forum with NO politics allowed. I've learned that it just brings out the worst in people and that no one ever changes anyone's mind, its just a big pissing contest where everyone gets hosed eventually
Now of course, P-Rock has raised his foolishness, but frankly I am not going to be run off any board by some pissant member. And I'd like to point out to everyone that P-Rock is really the only person who has raised these BS objections. Hopefully I will not have to activate the "ignore" function, but right now I am going to stay at AAJ for the foreseeable future.
There's just no way I can keep up with two boards.
But I have to say, with Lon and Jim S, among others, here, I may just get my shirt tugged over here more often than I expect to
Once again, good job, B3-er, its good to see so many people over here and hanging together.
See ya when I see ya.
The BNBBer formerly known as GHF