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Dan Gould

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Everything posted by Dan Gould

  1. I *love* Lush Life, a beautiful and unique entry in LDs discography. Great arrangements and LD's beautiful tone caressing classic melodies. Maybe not 5 stars, but 4 or 4.5, easily!
  2. Hey, I said I "acknowledged" your greater apparent knowledge-didn't say I "accept" it!
  3. OK, so if every team took 12 hours to make a decision, that would be like 13 days from "placed on waivers" to 'cleared waivers'? I acknowledge your greater apparent knowledge, it just seems odd and I would think that if this were happening it would definitely be common knowledge by now.
  4. So, will we be able to *listen* to your show on the web?
  5. Only if you continue to put up more and more cash, Moose. Then, despite the tracking number he'll give you, the cylinder will disappear en route. Please, don't be taken in like I was!
  6. Yes, Ubu, it is in the Mosaic. Hopefully someone will jump in and confirm that AMG is wrong about some of the composition credits on the album, I am 99% sure that Herbie wrote at least one of the finger-poppin hard bop tunes on there.
  7. Except that it was Herbie's debut as a leader, not Dexter's album. There are a couple of real nice tunes on the album he made before Takin' Off, on Donald Byrd's Royal Flush. I just checked AMG and it credits Byrd with all of the originals except for Hancock's "Requiem" but I coould have sworn at least one of those other tune's was Herbie's. Anyway, excellent early music, almost as catchy as "Watermelon Man".
  8. Well, my question then would be, why isn't it public knowledge among "insiders" like Stark? I haven't gone to re-read the article, but he basically says that there are "more to come". If its SOP to put everyone through waivers so soon after the deadline, why doesn't he just say that?
  9. Not according to Jason Stark's ESPN.com column of last Thursday or Friday. A number of people have cleared waivers, but to say "almost every" player has is not accurate. Not saying that a whole heckuva lot of players *will* clear waivers before September 1 (the deadline for post-season rosters) but they haven't all cleared waivers. Not even close.
  10. I had no idea he was sick ... very sad news. RIP.
  11. Hi Gary, Welcome to the board, and sorry to hear of your troubles. At least I can tell you I didn't get any off-the-wall messages from you recently. Hope you can stick around The Former Gene Harris Fantatic
  12. Bad news, Marcus, I'm afraid. I went to both locations and either I was mistaken or they got cleaned out, but neither one had any Blacknote CDs left. I guess your best bet is CD Baby, at least you can get one CD at a reasonable price.
  13. Speaking of movies that freaked people out, sometime in the early '70s-I think I was 7 or 8, Night of the Living Dead was on TV. I only got through to the cemetary scene when the zombie goes after the brother and the sister barely escapes ... but I didn't know that at that time because "there coming to get you, Barbara" freaked me out so bad that I not only had nightmares, I didn't even see the entire film for almost 20 years after!
  14. Come to Palm Beach, Florida then! 90 degrees or so ... 'cept that a tornado touched down yesterday and destroyed or damaged about 500 homes.
  15. I like Jim's answer a whole heckuva lot more than "Pru's": Dear Jel, If you want to be the one to satisfy him every time he, uh, has needs, just make yourself available two to three times a day, simply ignoring your pregnancy, your job, the two kids, and whatever else makes up your day. Self-gratification, you should know, is in no way cheating and is certainly not analogous to being with another woman. Your concerns are not all that unusual, but the wild card in your situation is the religious angle. Prudie does not wish to tangle with your pastor—or anyone else's—but regarding self-gratification as sinful is a benighted idea. It is an entirely normal thing to do. (And for whatever it's worth, no one's sex life is what it once was.) —Prudie, progressively
  16. Thanks a lot, Brownie ... now, if I'd just hear back from the seller! I'm going to try another e-mail. I've dealt with him before and he took maybe a day to respond but this time its like three days almost. I wonder if he's on vacation or something. At least I found it on his "updated 7/28" list so its not like too many people could have seen it. Thanks again for the review.
  17. This is tough but off the top of my head: Gene Harris Ray Brown Scott Hamilton Dr Lonnie Smith Benny Green Ralph Moore Cedar Walton Billy Higgins Scott Hamilton John Bunch Giacomo Gates Eddie Higgins Red Holloway Melton Mustafa Renee Rosnes Wynton Marsalis Elvin Jones Brian Lynch Mulgrew Miller James Williams Curtis Fuller Billy Pierce Lewis Nash Bobby Watson (from Wynton down, it was a Blakey Tribute concert at the JVC Jazzfest, I know there were others but I am drawing a blank) George Coleman Jim Rotondi Harold Mabern Gary Smulyan Roy Haynes with Kenny Garrett and Nicolas Payton
  18. Where did you find that, Chris? That's exactly what the little MF had around his waist! Seriously, the coincidence of names was really quite stunning when it happened ... and I really don't think it was a coincidence! Oh and one more thing about Little Prince Matty Ianello, Jr.: I was in their house a few times (don't ask why the mafia family didn't have their own pool) and you may not believe it but its absolutely true: Matty liked doggie treats, and they were kept in candy dishes around the house. I watched him snack on them!
  19. Can you order through CD Baby? I noticed that 43rd and Degnan is available for $10. If you're still looking by the weekend, I may be able to check out one of the local used CD places, I'm pretty sure they have a couple by them, just not sure which.
  20. What's your preference?
  21. Since my delineation of how I feel the blindfold test should be handled has its detractors, time to put it up for a vote.
  22. Jim, I think most people feel that an individual selecting a group of songs is preferable to a compilation. Just because I have not downloaded MP3s myself does not mean I have not heard them. And no one has explained how non-PC people are supposed to produce these great sounding MP3s for upload. Now Rockefeller is saying that slow-connection people can get CDRs which completely defeats the purpose of an FTP server. I think the only way to settle this is to start a poll and let the board decide. It will be up in a moment.
  23. Two more things regarding MP3. This requires that all moderators work with PC audio and be able to convert vinyl or CDs into MP3s in order to upload them. Some don't have or bother with this capacity and only have burners hooked up to their stereo systems. Never having downloaded an MP3 myself: isn't broadband connection helpful? Do we want to discriminate against dial-up people because their downloads will take forever?
  24. MP3 to cd-r can be played anywhere (unless you burn a data disc). There's no difference to an audio disc compiled of wavs or tracks copied directly from cd. Why is a webserver a bad idea? With the money that's going to be spent on postage and cd-rs a webspace could be rented. Re legal issues: spreading the music via cd-r is legal but via internet it isn't? Its illegal in all ways. I would just avoid *downloads* because that's what the industry is targeting. As to your point re: postal and CDR costs-what does webspace cost to rent? Who is taking responsibility for it? This space would have to be dedicated to the blindfold music, because once you start spreading usernames and passwords around, whatever is on that FTP is fair game. Is the cost for webspace equivalent to a single iteration of the blindfold test or is it a multiple of that? My way, costs are spread out and borne by willing participants. Your way, costs must be shared by all, with the resulting problem of actually collecting that money. Finally, I personally do not care for an inferior format like MP3. I would rather the music stay in wav or CD quality. But if you'd like to set up a poll, go for it.
  25. Rooster, I really feel strongly that the idea of a compilation of different people's submission is NOT the way to go here. I think it should be done individually so that one person can pick particular music and if he chooses, there can be an overarching theme, perhaps instrument-wise or maybe something like "pop hits covered by jazz artists" or whatever. I think the idea of downloads, even with an "anonymous" FTP server is not a good idea. Plus, I'd like to be able to play the music anywhere, and MP3 downloads might be burned but they won't necessarily be playable anywhere. On your second question, I think it should be entirely up to the individual. Personally, I think it would be informative to hear players and identify their influences or guess at who they are and then learn that its someone who's somewhat obscure. ****************** Last but not least, we might avoid the complaints of some who wish they'd be chosen for AOTW by assuring that those who have posted here and are technologically capable will be selected, sequentially, for being moderator of the Blindfold Test.
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