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Everything posted by eeegor

  1. It ended at $1,585. It's a Classic Records re-issue, with the faux deep-groove and addresses. Except, of course the obvious 'Classic Records under licence etc.' line at the bottom of the back cover. http://cgi.ebay.com/VG-RARE-Lee-Morgan-Ind...1QQcmdZViewItem
  2. Whoops, didn't at all mean it in that sense. I should mention that my old eBay nick was on that list too! All because I dared to complain about a record showing up VG when it was listed as NM. Didn't mean to infer that jbs-tom is a bad buyer/seller at all, just put two and two together in my head!
  3. Haha, I knew your name sounded familiar, jbs-tom! It's in a list of eBay bidders that a bunch of record sellers trade with each other. They suggest you block all people on the list so as to avoid supposed hassle. You're semi-famous I guess!
  4. Steve Hoffman is full of shit. My OJC CDs sound better than his 'Bags Meets Wes' and Pepper's 'Intensity'. Also, he needs a haircut. That mullet is criminal.
  5. I always thought Kenny Dorham steals the show on this, but Rocky ain't no slouch either, and seems to stay in the high registers, which is interesting.
  6. I guess they couldn't resist that white label, similar to early Riverside, some OJC have. It makes those "Sound of Sonny" looks like the real deal, especially with a blurred Ebay picture... please add the typical Ebay "more money than brain (and eyes, and knowledge)" behaviour, and you have an explanation of those 500 $. Try $599, not $500: http://cgi.ebay.com/Sound-Of-SONNY-ROLLINS...bayphotohosting
  7. JeffK, I wish you the best for 2008. You could have easily put these boxes on eBay and made a small fortune - and we can all learn something from your selflessness. Thanks.
  8. Richard Cook's 'Jazz Encyclopedia' never strays far from my bed-side table. Easily one of the best reference guides that exists on jazz.
  9. Re: Chet Baker 'Sings It Could Happen To You' K2 version: I played it last night, and it sounded horrible! Mind you, I had just spent two hours playing immaculate sounding German ECM LPs and mono Japanese pressings. Was my problem going from LPs to CDs, or is this just a bad sounding recording? The vocals and mixing didn't sound great, and I didn't remember it being so bad. Are there better versions/pressings to be aware of? Musically, it's outstanding.
  10. I'm not the seller, but this is a great price for a great set! http://cgi.ebay.com/Complete-Keynote-Colle...1QQcmdZViewItem
  11. If Jim decides to keep this board going (and I believe that decision is his and his alone), I move that any non-music sub-forums be deleted immediately. There's seriously two guys arguing in a baseball thread? These what I like to call 'first-world issues', and they need to stop, as they are so ridiculous it boggles my mind. While I would support a pay feature, I would also expect some user bannings, as people arguing over baseball and political threads have other places to take their nonsense rather than a music board. Should the board stay, Jim should also pick any moderators.
  12. The eBay handle is over at the 'Offering and Looking For' board at AAJ. Of course, he does NOT have 'the jazz' - what a shocker.
  13. Someone mentioned an online jazz LP retailer on these forums a month or so ago. For the life of me, I can't remember it! It wasn't Hiroshi's site, it wasn't Acoustic Sounds and it wasn't GEMM. There were about 200 pages of used lps, and one could search the listings by label. Does this sound familiar to anyone?
  14. This is/was a fantastic re-issue series, but I thought something was going on with the last batch. Not only were they titles people have been waiting forever for, but we had 17 of them released within a month. I really hope we haven't heard the last of them though.
  15. While I'm not a fan of Bob Marley (give me Ken Boothe, Trinity, Dilinger etc.), it seems Stereophile has given the re-issue of 'Exodus' a thumbs up. Performance and sonics get 5/5. That said, it is Stereophile we're talking about here...
  16. I just recently spent $40 on Paul Gonsalves' "Boom-Jackie-Boom-Chick" (damn those small Japanese runs), and $42 on a Polish Jazz cd that was only released on CD in Japan. LPs on the other hand...I've yet to spend over $100 on an LP. I've sniped stuff at eBay setting my maximum bid at $200-250, but thankfully it's never reached that amount.
  17. Thanks, Chuck. I will grab a few from you once my eBay auctions end. $17 is a STEAL for that Allen Eager disc, people! The booklet alone is worth the price of admission!
  18. Chuck, do you have any CDs of that Dodo Marmarosa on Uptown that you could sell?
  19. PM sent on the Galaxy box.
  20. I just bought the 21 LP Keynote recordings Japanese box set on eBay for the starting price of $99.99. I figure that's as good a find as I'll ever get on eBay!
  21. I am happy to have been the seller of that LP! I bought the Japanese LP reissue of it shortly after selling it, and was glad I parted with the original! The fellow I bought it from sold me his entire jazz collection, as he was getting on in age and they were just sitting there. All of them were radio station copies, and had never been played.
  22. They're the guys who released the semi-recent Bird & Diz concert, but I also just stumbled upon a live Sonny Clark disc from 1955. The official website is no help, so does anyone know what else they released? Thanks!
  23. I stumbled upon this a few months back...I think this is just a one-off case, and someone said they owned it as mentioned earlier in the thread.
  24. I recently came across a 2-cd set by Bill Coleman, titled 'The complete Philips recordings'. It's by the same people who did the renowned Gitanes 'Jazz In Paris' series. It is listed as being 'hors-series 02'. Is this a one-off two-fer, or is it part of a bigger series? If so, does anyone know what the other titles are?
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