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Everything posted by JohnBlutarski

  1. what is the "SH- Site"?? JB
  2. maybe a site like rapidshare???
  3. No Michael, it's not thread crapping, that is when a rather gross hijacking of a thread for an unrelated agenda occurs. I don't find RVG's truncate the highs, quite the contrary, I find they are incredibly open on top. Some stereos can't handle that, though. SACD is a dead format. It was dead from the start pretty much, but now is really only a minor format that will see some classical titles and the odd audiophile disc released, nothing of a more general nature. Someone below mentions that, like the mastering personality' site, this site could be considered a particular bnd's 'vanity site'. Very true, however, that is where he similarities end, as this board is very lightly moderated and not even slightly censored to protect or promote the host personality, and there is little of the group think and cultish aspects of that site. Anyone care to start a Beatles Remastering thread?
  4. ahhhh, Archeophone.... I didn't read the following replies... have to learn to do that before replying myself... JB
  5. Don't bother. There now exists a far superior alternative: Seconded! which one is this? I'm not so familiair with this kind of work, but wiling to learn.
  6. FWIW, the original artwork was b/w printed on a cream colored, textured stock. No type on the front. The type you see above was from the back of the "gatefold" cover. The current reissue is a better repro of the original intentions. The original was lovely but probably anti-sales.
  7. yeah, that's cool cover!!! and the music on it? JB
  8. check here. thanks. 20 cd's in total? (my Japanes ain't what it used to be... ) JB
  9. Aha! Zoundz! MG any more news about that box??? JB
  10. were 70's Blue Note vinyls that bad? JB
  11. as of this all is just a tax write -off or a dirty money laudry....
  12. saw that , too.... weird.....
  13. Not hard, I always thought....
  14. I dig you arguements. Especially important that people get their royalties, also, right?
  15. I see... çall me stupid, but i still don't get it... what does WMD stand for? I'll guess it's "Weapons of Mass Destruction"........Basra (Iraq)....WMD.....! now I get it... hehehehe
  16. I see... çall me stupid, but i still don't get it... what does WMD stand for?
  17. You and me both. any news? Basra is slated for release as soon as those pesky WMD's are found... WMD?
  18. You and me both. any news?
  19. hello Clementine, you're right , illegal is not right expression for this behaviour. my only excuse is that last night, during my nightshift, as english is not my birth language, I was searching for the right expression...
  20. how about the "Jazz Factory"? Is that "illegal", too? (just bought Complete Charlie Parker At Massey Hall). They're form Spain, too... JB
  21. Only if you believe "W" ! Welcome Take your choice! http://www.organissimo.org/forum/index.php...te=rare+grooves oops... then link is dead now... maybe something wrong with the forum? try again, tomorrow...
  22. Only if you believe "W" ! Welcome thanks for the welcome, Morganized
  23. ahhh... Teach-In... :) I kinda like this in a strange kind of way... they were huge here in Holland, in the 70-ties..
  24. Hey, I've got some old cassettes of shit I recorded off the radio back in the 70's if anyone's interested... Any Supertramp in there? OM....
  25. that makes me curious....
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