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Everything posted by JohnBlutarski

  1. Because there is massive market demand for high-res movies and (especially) video games, but there are very few audiophiles. People don't pay close attention to music as much as they used to; background listening is the norm and hence audio quality for music files is not a big issue. Movies and video games are activities that require one's full attention, so video quality is more important to the average consumer. An important point. MG sure, but not the complete story. If the focus was only on video, then the industry would never have develloped SACD or audio-DVD. JB or to be more precise, if they wouldn't think they couild make a lot of money with those systems, they wouldn't have develloped them.. JB And to be even more precise, have they? Will they? Can they? yes, yes, yes
  2. Because there is massive market demand for high-res movies and (especially) video games, but there are very few audiophiles. People don't pay close attention to music as much as they used to; background listening is the norm and hence audio quality for music files is not a big issue. Movies and video games are activities that require one's full attention, so video quality is more important to the average consumer. An important point. MG sure, but not the complete story. If the focus was only on video, then the industry would never have develloped SACD or audio-DVD. JB or to be more precise, if they wouldn't think they couild make a lot of money with those systems, they wouldn't have develloped them.. JB
  3. Because there is massive market demand for high-res movies and (especially) video games, but there are very few audiophiles. People don't pay close attention to music as much as they used to; background listening is the norm and hence audio quality for music files is not a big issue. Movies and video games are activities that require one's full attention, so video quality is more important to the average consumer. An important point. MG sure, but not the complete story. If the focus was only on video, then the industry would never have develloped SACD or audio-DVD. JB
  4. just one big computer, an internet connection and a bank account to cash the money??? JB
  5. I can resell a CD if I decide I don't like it. I can buy multi-cd lots on ebay at very low unit prices and explore stuff I'm not familiar with. Some CD's appreciate in value (hello Mosaic), so I can buy those and explore, knowing that I can get my money back if I don't want to keep it. I can legally trade one CD for another CD without breaking any copyright laws, thus being able to further explore more music. I agree
  6. but isn't it funny (sarcastically???) that in one hand the industry (and the consumer market) wants us to up grade quality (audio, 16 bits, 20 bits, 24 bits, SACD, DVD-audio, etc, etc, (you name a few), and also for video: VHS, super VHS, DVD, HD-DVD, and television: wide screen, 100 Hrz, HD-TV, etc tect), and wants us to pay big $$ for it, and on the other hand they want us to pay the same amount for crap like music mp3??? JB
  7. and how about a HD malfunction? then I'd have to have a back-up with a zillion GB, too.. JB
  8. Fact, but the esitmated lifespan of cdrs properly stored (ie in their cases and not in the sun) is over 100 years, so it is sort of a moot point. Also, there have at times been manufacturing issues with cds that caused unexpectedly short lifespans (chemical reactions between the plastic and recorded layers) - who knows if there are any more such issues waiting to be discovered in our collections in the neext 5, 10 or ?? years. I don't think it is likely, but the possibility can not be ruled out. I have had more than a few cdrs where they started to skip and the info wasnt holding up . so i also think it's the brand of cd-r you burn to some are better than others. I think 100 years is way too optimistic... A friend of mine works in a museum, where they want to store information in a reliable way, and they certainly don;t use 100 years as a fact.... JB
  9. i'm not sure if you're serious or not. you think mosaic would go there? there's been a low key flying dutchman reissue series in europe over the past few years. i had to go for the oliver nelson titles ('skull sessions' [replete with its heavy metal looking coverart], 'afrique', and 'swiss suite') myself. did the series have a name? do you have a link? I do have a series of compilations, called "The Vibe- The Ultimate Rare Groove Series", from France, on BMG... JB
  10. must be some pretty rare beers, then... JB
  11. Robert, my guess is that you'll have a good 'ol time in there. It's packed with fine brews. Here are a couple of pics. When I was in there, the owner was restocking....had multiple cases sitting about. He's a long haired Irish dude....had to be stoned...but definitely knowledgeable. Directly across the alley is Gollem which is a must see/must drink spot. Seemed to be mostly locals. Hendrix' 'Crosstown Traffic' was playing as I counted 39 bodies crammed in there (including the 2nd level located up 5 creaky steps with 3 good sized tables)....and 35 of us were smoking -- so you'll want to bring your Camels. Highly recommended! I will be there for sure! I've warned the misses that Amsterdam will by my 2 days of living it up. Hope my hotel has a mini-fridge to keep em cool, cause I doubt I'll take beer bottles on my flight to Paris. Yes, you must (lay down the law, that is!!) I was going to wrap the various Belgian/Dutch/German & Luxembourger brews and check them in the suit bag.....but decided instead to mix 'em in with the 8 cases of wine I shipped back from Luxembourg. Damn, a 71 kilo beauty of a box it was!! You don't want to know what that cost to ship!! Lucky for me my wife is a willing co-conspirator when it comes to slightly overdoing it on the Beverage Acquisition Front. She can always be counted on to toss in that extra case even after I've said (just pretending of course) 'jeez, maybe we ought to ease up a bit, huh?' So Robert, work on putting yourself in the correct frame of mind....and think 71.5 kilos!! isn't it cheaper to just buy that beer at an import store in the US? or are those so hard to get over there? there must be a market, then... JB
  12. is that such a great record? hen I should check it out, then... JB
  13. Don't get your panties in a bunch, J.A.W. I was asking a simple question. I've been to Amsterdam and I love everything about the city. I asked this because if smoking is banned in the hash bars, than that is going to have a major effect on the city's economics as well as the tourism industry. Whether you like it or not, its the only place in the world (I'm pretty sure) where you can walk into a bar, legaly buy marijuana, and smoke it right there without getting arrested. And as I'm sure you know, that element alone draws mass amounts of people annually to Amsterdam. I was just asking a question about a city I love dearly; there's no need for your prejudice. the funny thing is, that some political parties want to make an exeption for the "coffee-shops", so it just could happend that in 2 years the only place you can smoke (weed, sigarets op pipe) is in the coffeeshops JB
  14. Robert, my guess is that you'll have a good 'ol time in there. It's packed with fine brews. Here are a couple of pics. When I was in there, the owner was restocking....had multiple cases sitting about. He's a long haired Irish dude....had to be stoned...but definitely knowledgeable. Directly across the alley is Gollem which is a must see/must drink spot. Seemed to be mostly locals. Hendrix' 'Crosstown Traffic' was playing as I counted 39 bodies crammed in there (including the 2nd level located up 5 creaky steps with 3 good sized tables)....and 35 of us were smoking -- so you'll want to bring your Camels. Highly recommended! btw, if you want to smke in a bar, don't wait too long, 'cause there are plans for smokefree public environment, like bars, restaurants, clubs, here, too. probably withing 1 or 2 years. JB
  15. Gollum is a nice lttle bar! a lot of nice beers, indeed! a good friend of mine lived on the other side of this bar in the same alley. JB
  16. I just looked. mine doesn't have a sticker, and it says in print "compiled by" JB
  17. they ship only to Norway and Switserland.... but luckily there is Dusty Groove.... JB
  18. I've been wondering. would be nice... what will be in it.... JB
  19. I too am jealous. Maybe the distributor had about 5 copies at that prce. I won't deal with or get it from Best Buy, but how does the set look & sound? I actually think the design of the box itself is a little cheesy - I'm not going to have a chance to spin it at a decent volume until this weekend so no comment on the sound, but I expect it to be great. waiting full exitement... hehe
  20. cool! now find a seller that ships to Europe again... unfortunately hip-o-select itself won't... JB
  21. ah, thanks for the fast reply! and I hope the "On The Corner" box will really see its release this year! JB
  22. I know this is an old threat, but why was the cellar door a fiasco? artistically? financially? I like listening to that box, since I purchased it last year... JB
  23. if he didn't like them enough to work with them again, why did he start working with them in the fist place...? JB
  24. that's a bummer... JB
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