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riddlemay's Achievements

  1. Aura Lee Peggy Lee Lee Gillette
  2. Saul Bass John Ore Ernest Gold
  3. Telly Savalas Philo Farnsworth Chatsworth Osborne Jr.
  4. Mike Mazurki Andy Serkis Emmett Kelly
  5. Trane Dean Acheson William H. Seward
  6. Mark Spitz Joe Cocker The Pointer Sisters
  7. Mr. Lucky Lucky Lindy Amelia Earhart
  8. Niecy Williams Norman Cousins Norman Bates
  9. Pussy Galore Pink Eve Ensler
  10. Stix Hooper Styx Satan
  11. Dirty Dingus Magee Patrick Macnee Claire's knee
  12. Man Fondles Prize Won in Richard Lewis Lookalike Contest
  13. This was the first pure jazz album I had. Chose it free as a premium with Downbeat subscription when I was 14. I still love it.
  14. Richard Painter Eugene Pallette Édouard Manet
  15. Minnesota Fats Eddie Felson John Poole
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