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Everything posted by brownie

  1. Since it's Bastille Day. May I mention a 1939 classic. Not made in Hollywood but just brilliant: Jean Renoir's 'La Regle du Jeu' (Rules of the Game). One of the worst French flop ever when it was released a few weeks ahead of the start of World War II, it has now turned into a cult film.
  2. This was a rare album. Glad that it has been reissued. It's great. Enjoyed what Billy Mitchell played on the early Thad Jones Blue Note albums. Hope that the sales warrants the reissue of the second Billy Mitchell date for Smash 'A Little Juicy' (with Thad Jones on trumpet).
  3. Lucky Thompson - The Complete Vogue Sessions vol. 1 Chet Baker/Phil Urso in Pueblo John Patton - Blue John Blossom Dearie - May I Come In (Capitol) Interpretations of Monk - The DIW box, dicsc 1 and 2 Rene Urtreger/Christian Escoude - Masters Billie Holiday - The Decca sides
  4. Joe Henderson was involved in the cooperative band The Jazz Communicators that was launched in 1967. Freddie Hubbard and Louis Hayes were also in the band. Does anyone know if there is there any recorded legacy of these Communicators? I understand it was a great unit which survived for several months before it had to disband.
  5. Thought the man was indestructible. He was a real Gentleman. Another very great one goes.
  6. Alankin wrote: Some friendly soul on this Board mentioned a note on the Jazzmatazz Upcoming Jazz Releases that read: Is this for real? or just wishful thinking? Since I mentioned Jazzmatazz, may I extend many, many thanks for that site. Always very informative.
  7. Berigan, I caught 'Mata Hari' the other week on a French cable Classic Film channel. Did not see any diaphanous Garbo in that copy. May Hays rot in Hell for ever!!
  8. brownie

    Elmo Hope

    Dmitry, I was just about ready to mention that album but thought it would be redundant with my signature.
  9. brownie

    Saga Jazz

    I have seen the Saga digipaks but have not heard any of them yet. The collection was started by refugees from the Masters of Jazz series sinking The fact that these people were involved with the Masters of Jazz series should be a good omen. The Saga digipaks should be good for anyone looking for a quick introduction to some great jazz. They have some good compilations, all within the 50-year copyright laws that is the norm in the European Union. This means that none of the Saga CDs include post-1953 material. I see a number of these at secondhand shops in Paris at low prices.
  10. My recollection is that the Pepper Artists House albums are also in his big Galaxy box set. Can anyone confirm? Yes, but does the AnalogueProduction CD has the Mosaic-size liner notes with photos and discography that made the Artists House LPs so attractive? I'll keep my LPs. By the way, some Artists House albums were issued in France (by Pathe-Marconi) in lookalike copies. I have the French version of the Paul Desmond AH2 album (without inside notes). And as Clunky already replied, yes, the Pepper Artists House tracks were included in the big Galaxy box, with alternates and some additional material added.
  11. brownie

    Elmo Hope

    His Riverside album 'Hope-Full' is often overlooked. That's the solo album where Bertha Hope joins in on several tracks. Not an easy album but I often go back to that one. Some of the most fascinating piano improvisations on record.
  12. Simon, thanks for that book recommendation. Will be looking for it.
  13. Mike Zwerin had an interesting book on the subject. It was 'Swing Under the Nazis'. http://www.jazzscript.co.uk/books/swingzwerin.htm reviews it.
  14. Everything back to normal here.
  15. Steeplechase just released a new Ted Brown session. His first album as a leader in 15 years. Ted Brown appeared on a Lee Konitz 1999 Steeplechase session 'Dig It' which went largely unnoticed. He also showed up on a couple of other Konitz albums where the alto/tenor voices produced inspired improvisations. The new album is 'Preservation' (Steeplechase SCCD31539) and is a beautiful quartet date (Harold Danko on piano, Dennis Irwin on bass and Jeff Hirshfield on drums). Ted Brown who turned 75 is a unique voice whose record dates are far and few. He is in top form in the new session which is all popular songs except for the title tune 'Preservation' where he shows what he learned from Lester Young and Lennie Tristano. I listened to that date last night and loved it. This CD will keep playing.
  16. Rooster, would not want to disappoint you but I think that an Andrew Hill book/biography would be a very risky business enterprise. As much as I would like to find one, I doubt that there are enough people around waiting to read such a book to make it happen. Trust you know this site: http://www.andrewhilljazz.com/ If not, happy reading.
  17. She was supposed to be waiting for marriage to lose her virginity. Now comes this:
  18. Very aware of that. I was speaking about his visibility beyond the jazz circles.
  19. Don't want to turn this into a political thread, but wasn't Joe Henderson's visibility on the US jazz scene boosted when he was invited at Bill Clinton's 1993 inauguration in Washington? Photos of Clinton and Henderson getting into a tenor duel were widely circulated at the time. This surely helped his career and made his name known beyond the jazz circles. Doubt that any jazz was played at W. Bush's inaugural.
  20. I'm old enough to remember these two boxes. But not wealthy enough to have bought them.
  21. The Larry Young Mosaic set was a 7,500 copies job. It sold at $90 (6 CDs or 9 LPs same price for the two formats). I passed on this one when it came out since I had the original LPs.
  22. 'State of the Tenor', volume 1 and 2, recorded at the Village Vanguard are Blue Note records. Some of the best post-Lion/Wolff BN as a matter of fact. Indispensable is the right word for these
  23. This may turn out to be interesting:
  24. Joe Henderson's Contemporary album 'Relaxin' at Camarillo' has not been mentioned yet. It's one of his best. Chick Corea and Tony Williams are among the musicians playing on that one. Henderson's version of 'My One and Only Love' is a gem.
  25. There should be more. Two I can think of were: - Roy Brooks 'The Free Slave', a 1970 date with Woody Shaw and George Coleman that came out on a Muse LP, - Coleman Hawkins 'Supreme', a 1966 date with Barry Harris, Gene Taylor and Roy Brooks that was issued by Enja. The Baltimore Left Bank Jazz Society was reminisced on this thread: http://www.citypaper.com/2000-10-04/feature.html The story mentions that some 350 tapes were made from 1965 to 1980!
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