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Everything posted by brownie

  1. Sorry to hear this... he was great on those Jimmy Smith BN recordings (and other dates)!
  2. The only thing the least bit West Coast about "Blue Serge" was that it was recorded in Hollywood and that the bassist was L. Vinnegar. Serge, Sonny Clark, and Phllly Joe Jones could hardly be more East Coast, through Clark did spend some time as house pianist with the Lighthouse All-Stars. Obviously I should have added an ironic emoticon before posting my answer. Thought it was plain enough that I was aware of the non-West Coast implications of the various musicians involved!
  3. Armstrong Hot Five/Seven Duke in the 20s, then 30s, then 40s and on... Bechet with Tommy Ladnier Basie with Lester Decca sides Charlie Parker on Dial Johnny Hodges Castle Rock Bud Powell Un Poco Loco Clifford Brown/Max Roach California Concerts Jazz Messengers at Cafe Bohemia Sonny Rollins at Village Vanguard Coltrane Blue Train Bill Evans/Scott LaFaro Village Vanguard Barney Wilen/KD at Club Saint-Germain The World of Cecil Taylor Albert Ayler Bells there was not much to be shaken out of me after I heard those Bells!
  4. I'm another one that backdoored into the West Coast. That was in the late '5Os when I was caught up with various musicians and albums starting with Serge Chaloff 'Blue Serge' (recorded in Hollywood for Capitol, hard to be more West Coast than this!), Jimmy Giuffre 'Clarinet', John Lewis/Bill Perkins '2° East, 3° West, to be followed by sessions by Art Pepper, Shorty Rogers, Chet Baker... That was just the start!
  5. This also qualifies for the Album covers with the Eiffel Tower' thread!
  6. Happy Birthday, John No record here! A more recent Happy Birthday John Tapscott thread:
  7. Sorry to learn about her health problems... http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20131013_Musicians_plan_benefit_for_jazz_great_Sudler.html
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