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Everything posted by brownie

  1. Joyeux anniversaire Michael?
  2. Cabu is among the victims of the terrorists attack on the weekly Charlie Hebdo in Paris today.
  3. French trumpet player and big band leader Ivan Jullien died last week. He was 80.
  4. Joyeux anniversaire, Marty!
  5. Wrong! 'Blue Gilles' was named for Gilles Gautherin who produced the session for French United Artists . Gautherin was a friend and fan of Chet!
  6. Seconded...
  7. Congratulations! Glad to see the cover. Hope I will be able to identify the uncredited sax player in that Bobino concert photo soon!
  8. Happy Birthday to the hippest Ghost around...
  9. Don Lamond was the drummer. The year was 1969
  10. brownie

    Ran Blake

    Did not realize the Connors tribute did not CD get full distribution. It has been on almost full time rotation on my player. A gem! My copy says it comes from 'a division of Universal France'!
  11. Good review from jeffcrom Glad to have four more tracks by Miles and colleagues. Plus it is fun buying teninchers again. And the price was okay. Glad to have added this to my Miles records! Speaking of Miles at BN, anybody recalls having seen a photo of Miles at Cannonballs Something Else session? Or was it Wolffs day off?
  12. Michael Cuscuna who is currently in Paris for the release of the superb book of Francis Wolff photos by Flammarion/Yellow Korner mentioned at a news conference that Mosaic was planning to put out a Beehive box in 2015. All Beehive sessions would be in included except for the Johnny Hartman disc.
  13. A very happy Birthday, Paul !!!
  14. Happy Birthday☺
  15. Thank you all! !!! Been mainly lurking lately! Kept away from the Board mostly because of some health problems. Getting away slowly (very slowly) from them. Enjoying life (and music ) as much as possible with help from Zoot/AL, KD, Rahsaan, JLyons, CT and other favorites. Life is good! Looking forward to the next years...
  16. Best jazz sélection remains the Gilbert Joseph jazz and classics store on the Boulevard Saint-Michel. Their 2nd hand selection is matchless Paris Jazz Corner is another must go store. The Rue de Navarre shop is the one to go to.j Same goes for Crocojazz across the street from La Reine Blanche, and much better stocked.
  17. Triste nouvelle.... Heard him several times including two occasions when he played with Barney Wilen at the Requin Chagrin on the Place Mouffetard in the late 60’s....
  18. Very sad news... Goodbye Hans!
  19. Bass player Jean-Jacques Avenel who was a member of Steve Lacýs group for years died last week.
  20. Updated story with sad ending http://www.news.com.au/world/dead-girl-who-awoke-in-coffin-at-her-funeral-in-philippines-reportedly-dies-in-hospital/story-fndir2ev-1226989059222
  21. Very sad to hear of Haden's passing! Great musician. I had the pleasure of having him at my place back in the early 70s after he saw the impressive film documentary 'Mourir a Madrid' which had some of the music that inspired him for his first Liberation Music album. Haden met the film director Frédéric Rossif while in Paris and wanted to have Rossif listen to the Impulse album which had recently been released. Haden was told I had the LP and had Rossif come to my aparment for a listening session. A very interesting afternoon. Haden was very nice and and very firm on his leftist convictions.
  22. Check this on the plosin website (with full Bird discography): http://www.plosin.com/milesAhead/BirdDiscoLabels.aspx?l=Philology Philology released a dozen Bird vinyls. The rest of the music is on CD...
  23. Joyeux anniversaire!!!
  24. Strazzeri was at his coherent best on the unheralded 1991 trio date 'Funk & Esoteric' brillantly recorded in LA for Fresh Sound http://www.freshsoundrecords.com/funk_and_esoteric-cd-1143.html
  25. A master musician! Obituary in today's The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/10/arts/music/joe-wilder-horn-player-dies-as-92-elegance-was-his-theme-song.html?src=rechp&_r=0
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