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Everything posted by brownie

  1. brownie

    Maurice Vander

    One of Vander's best was his trio date with Luigi Trussardi on bass and Philly Joe Jones on drums for the Dreyfus label.
  2. brownie

    Maurice Vander

    Pianist Maurice Vander died Thursday his family annonced yesterday. Vander (full name was Vanderschueren) played with Django Reinhardt, Stan Getz, Chet Baker among many others. He accompanied singer Claude Nougaro for many years.
  3. A Very Happy Birthday!
  4. French record producer Jean Karakos, the founder of BYG and Celluloid labels, died on January 22 in Paris.
  5. Hope the anniversaire was joyeux!
  6. The Roger Guerin session originally appeared on a French Columbia ten-incher. The Sawano reissue uses the same Leloir photo of Guérin for its cover. Missing from the BN Golson reissue on CD was one track 'Not Serious' that had vibist Michel Hausser but no Golson.
  7. The great photographer Chuck Stewart died January 20 in Teaneck, N.J. A vert sad day!
  8. They are printed CDs. Laurie got the tapes via a belgian fan of Pepper. Got my set from Tommy's Jazz. (fast and excellent). Sound is OK, a bit flat. The music is great.
  9. Guy Cosson's French book on Kirk (Éditions du Layeur) mentions à February 7, 1970 concert by the Vibration Society (with Dick Griffin on trombone and probably drummerJerôme Cooper) at the York University Central Hall.
  10. Hope it's not too late to wish you a very Happy Birthday!
  11. Would not recommend getting the Dexter ''Those Were the Days' reissue. Sound is barely better. The Japanese CD lacks two titles: 'Shadow of Your Smile' and 'Stuffy'. The only thing better is the cover photo of Dexter Gordon by Jan Persson.
  12. Bonne année! 

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  13. brownie

    Barney Wilen

    Mille mercis, Ubu, for bringing these broadcasts to our attention and to Frémeaux for releasing them. They were recorded by Europe 1 radio at the Olympia concerts when Lou Bennett opened for the Thelonious Monk quartet. Fremeaux is doing à great job of researching through the Europe 1 archives and releasing a lot of the splendid music. Too bad the Radio Luxembourg management did not do the same and destroyed their music archives material (including the Lester Young broadcast taped jn their Paris studio before he flew back to New York just before his death). As for the 'Reine des Vampires', I am really not a fan of Jean Rollin's films. They leave me cold , so did Tusques' music to his films.
  14. Happy Birthday, Clifford ?
  15. May he rest in peace. He deserves it... He died while listening to Billie Holiday!
  16. A very Happy Birthday to you?
  17. Indeed, 'A Train' introduced the Jazz Hour which started the second hour of the broadcasts, 'Coral Reef' was the opener to the first hour 'Music USA'... Happy New Year!
  18. Conover's 'Jazz Hour' was essential listening outside USA every night during the '50's. The broadcasts started with the Neal Hefti's orchestra rendition of 'Coral Reef' (impeccable drumming by Don Lamond) and introduced the listeners to the numerous new releases of the times, All in lousy sounds relayed over radio longwaves from Tangiers! I still enjoy the Japanese Universal CD reissue of the Brunswick 'House of Sounds''!
  19. The Leloir/Leeb displays more photos (no colors). Those Leloir books NEED more editing. I have not seen the 'Jazz Images' since it was published. Did not feel like buying it. Did you see the jazzimagesrecords.com blog they have? Very nice and well worth digging through the various sections...
  20. The Leloir/Leeb is another missed opportunity with Leeb jokes intruding too often and taking too much space? Great photos abound however in thé book. Am sure there are more treasures in Leloir's archives that are just waiting to be unearthed.
  21. Happy Birthday to you (and your hand)!
  22. Happy Birthday ?
  23. Happy Birthday indeed!
  24. Don''t forget the Herbie Nichols album 'Love, Gloom, Cash, Love', one of the rarest LP from the label.
  25. Happy Birthday!!!
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