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Everything posted by brownie

  1. Hé also appreartrd one track of thé Randy Wreston at Café Bohemia LP ’
  2. This is coming put on Bastille Day. There will be celebrations here..:
  3. I don’t have a vinyl copy of the album anymore but I remember that when it came out the blue and red photo was on front which carried no sign at all. The back cover had the liner notes.
  4. Too bad for France that Griezmann seemed off on that final match when he could have made a différence that day! Argentine was a deserving winner! What a great match it was!
  5. Luciano, the jazz session was recorded on April 10, 1967 at the studio Davout in Paris. The studio closed its doors a while ago. And welcome to this place. It is the best one to discuss jazz with a lot of participants who share an incredible knowledge on numerous related subjects.
  6. Just to correct spellings: drummer is Jacques Thollot, And it’s Luis Fuentes, Jacques Pelzer....
  7. I was at the recording of the jazz music of Le Depart back in 1967 in Paris. Komeda was taking care of the proceedings and not playing piano the day I attended. Rene Urtreger was the sole pianist behind Don Cherry, Gato Barbieri and others.
  8. Everything about Teddy Reig was big. Wish his book was even bigger than it is. Bought my copy for 29,95 dollars during a visit at NY’s Jazz Record Center soon after it came out.
  9. Sorry to report that the great Italian photographer Giuseppe Pino died in Bellagio this week. He was 82.
  10. Jean-Luc Godard has died, says Libération He was 91.
  11. Sempe died yesterday in Paris. He was 89. He is deeply missed.... So is forum contributor Paul Secor....
  12. Fred Plaut recorded many of Miles sessions for Columbia inluding ’Kind of Blue’.
  13. News of his death still remain unreported in the NY Times or the Washington Post. Or did I miss these?
  14. Very sad news. Tremendously underrated player.. Saw him when he was playing with Archie Shepp back in the 60’s. Love the sessions he recorded for BN.
  15. The excellent French ténor saxophonist Jean-Louis Chautemps who played with Martial Solal, Chet Baker and Nathan Davis, among others, died in Paris last week.
  16. Have the Brown (all 7 LPs) and the Milburn ( all 10 LPs) boxes and gîve them the listening they deserve!
  17. Already mentioned here several years ago that I was to accompany François Postif when he interviewed Lester Young but had to abstain because I had to prépare an important school examination. My eternal regrets! As for Lady Day, caught her when she .sang at the Paris Olympia in November 1958. She was not in top form .but I found her beautiful. Saw her also shortly after when she and Mal Waldron had dinner with Postif and à couple of friends at Chez Gaby’s near Pigalle. She was in top form that night.
  18. Very sad news. Too many these days!
  19. Pulled out my vinyl set.. No problem on ’Autumn Leaves’. RVG mastered that Mosaic.
  20. My Hodges box looks the same Great box!
  21. Martial Solal 94
  22. Thank you, Sir!
  23. The vinyl version should be out very soon. Will get it!
  24. Vers sorry to learn this. Gréât musician. Was impressed when I read several years ago that Frank Butler was his favorite drummer.
  25. Hadi is also heard on what remains of Mingus music for John Cassavetes film ’Shadows’.
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