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Jim Dye

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Everything posted by Jim Dye

  1. Looking forward to the show!
  2. Checking in late. I finally had a chance to give this a listen. This has been one of the most enjoyable BFT's I have ever heard. I'll post my individual guesses/comments later tonight. Thanks Martin!
  3. Awesome! David Wild's site has additional info... http://home.att.net/~dawild/jcnews.htm#more
  4. Congrats, David. I'll request that our local Jazz station, WMOT carry the show as well!
  5. I saw this billboard driving in Nashville the other day and it really bothered me. It's an ad for Hennessy! The photo appears to be from the same shoot that ended up on the cover of 'What's Goin' On'. The tag line is 'Never Blend In..." Make me wanna holler.
  6. Re: the Wuling Sunshine Minivan... I'd probably look something like this when I got inside...
  7. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/09/automobiles/09mini.html I'd love a minivan that got 43 miles to the gallon! I long for the days of my '87 Honda Civic CRX HF. It would get nearly 50 mpg on the highway.
  8. My copy was in the mail when I got home from work today. I'm already on my second run through. It's wonderful! It's going to be in heavy rotation for a good long time. I'll post a detailed review soon.
  9. Have a great birthday, Lon!
  10. That's a beautiful picture of your Mom, Beri. Here is a quick touch-up with Photoshop, although I'm sure someone else here can step up and do a better job.
  11. Received my copy yesterday. Thanks!
  12. Whoo Hoo! The Twardzik's coming out again!
  13. My sincere condolences, Conrad.
  14. Perhaps a common ground loop problem?
  15. A bigger version: Ridiculous! They must be outsourcing their artwork to www.engrish.com
  16. The drama is very cyclical on these boards. I've been caught up in it before, and as much as I hate to admit it, i'll probably get caught up in it again. edit: This place is about as calm as any, and we still have our flare ups! Human nature, I guess.
  17. The funny thing is that I drove down Aurelius a couple of weeks ago when I was in town. I would have dropped it off in person, but I didn't get the Distributor pack until I returned to Tennessee. Thanks for your patience!
  18. Dennis Gonzales hangs out and has his own thread over at Jazz Corner. Here are some links to information about Brackeen: Discussion Link More discussion... edit...geez! in the time it took me to search for the info, there were 5-6 posts!
  19. Many more comments coming, so long as I can get past track 2. My 3-year-old keeps asking me to play the cheesecake song again and again!
  20. I love this record! Did you get it on CD? I've only seen and heard the vinyl.
  21. I've got a WD 80 gig SATA Hard Drive i'm not using. My first one was bad out of the box. I got an RMA from WD and they sent me a new one. Does your machine support SATA? I'd be happy to send it to ya.
  22. Add in "Tales of Captain Black" and "Are You Glad To Be In America" from the Artists House label as well!
  23. I could probably dig out my old Blue Lake shirt if I wen't deep into my attic. I attended camp more than 20 years ago! Great pics! I'm still very bummed that I couldn't catch you guys. Very much looking forward to the record.
  24. Returned late last night from summer vacation. I'm heading to the post office shortly to send out the discs to my distributees.
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