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Jim Dye

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Everything posted by Jim Dye

  1. Jim Dye

    Funny Rat

    ONJO plays Eric Dolphy's 'OUT TO LUNCH' I see this is now listed on the doubt music web site. There was a torrent of a Pit Inn show recorded earlier this year over at the Dime. It sounded GREAT. I'm really looking forward to this one.
  2. I just checked and it's the same tune. The Dorham session was floating around on the usenet a couple months ago.
  3. Damn! It's so good to see Clem posting here again!
  4. Whoo hoo! Dye is the MVP!
  5. The pitch mapping is a global setting that makes everything higher or lower in pitch. No settings for each note, so no microtones. I like the ones you found. ← Me too! I just downloaded it to my new cell phone.
  6. I just picked all 4 of these up at Tower in Long Beach. They were only 20.99 each! Wow! Absolutely stunning packaging. They list for 27.99 but are part of the current 25% off Verve sale. I can't believe they are so inexpensive. I am thrilled to say the least.
  7. What a great idea! Shirl just may be my favorite Horace Silver composition.
  8. If you dig MOTHERLODE, then you must own IN THE JUNGLE GROOVE!
  9. Look for new PowerBook, PowerMac and iPod updates today. Possibly, a video iPod!
  10. I'm flying out tomorrow and will be in Long Beach from the 13th to the 20th. My schedule is still up in the air, but evenings are probably going to be free. I'll leave more info here or PM you guys later in the week.
  11. Check! There was no mail in the U.S. on Monday, hence the delay. Good ol' Columbus Day.
  12. LOL!
  13. Short version: When the Blue Note Bulletin Board shut down back in 2003, Jim Alfredson was kind enough to start up this board so we would all have a place to hang. After 2 1/2 years and nearly 400,000 posts, we're stronger than ever!
  14. Nice interview! Thanks for the tip. So, what did you knock over?
  15. Happy Birthday you old audioscrobbler, you!
  16. What's the over/under on the dollar amount of damage at Cedar Village after the game?
  17. Jim Dye

    iPod nano

    Apple has 'fessed up: iPod flaw 'limited', Apple Confirms FWIW, My nano is just fine.
  18. It's Vinny. http://www.newsday.com/sports/football/jet...page-bigpix2005
  19. The Jets need to send Dinger to Tennessee and convince Titans GM Floyd Reese to trade back-up QB Billy Volek. They'd have to give up a #1 pick and maybe more to get him, but it would be worth it. Volek already knows Heimerdingers schemes and has proven he can be a #1 guy in the league.
  20. Harrison tore his ACL, MCL and PCL! That's a tough tough break for the champs.
  21. I talked my local indie retailer in to letting me have a copy today. It's real, and it's SPECTACULAR! There is no copy protection on the U.S. version. The paper for the booklet is non-glossy. Very nice quality. The recording quality is very good. A nice, clean mono recording.
  22. Happy Birthday Ronald!
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