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Jim Dye

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Everything posted by Jim Dye

  1. I thought this thread was going to be about Bertrand.
  2. I'll take 3rd refusal, Rooster. I just bought a turntable on eBay and i'd be happy to give it a good home.
  3. I'll do some checking around for you down here. Nashville is right on the way down, so it would be an easy stop. Plus, you have a place to crash if you want! I kind of know some guys at a hip record store that also do some small concert promotion. The place that first comes to mind is called the Slow Bar. I'll let you guys know....
  4. Milt Jackson's The Jazz Skyline on Savoy.
  5. I didn't play sports. I was always in the band. Now, at 35, I am in the beginning stages of a running hobby. Been hitting the streets for about 3 weeks now. I still can't run a mile straight through yet, but I am gradually increasing my walk/run ratio. 4 miles is my longest distance to date. If anyone has any advice, I'd appreciate it. I don't think i'll get too much faster until I lose about 50 lbs. I'm a late bloomer, but I that doesn't bother me. I really want to get myself in shape so I can be competitive with others in my age group. Sure, it might take me until I'm 40 to do it, but I want to make exercise a part of my life.
  6. So B3-er, Whenever one of your bandmates starts complaining, are you now going to say... "Awww...My Stonehenge Hurts!" ??
  7. I am surfing at work too. I think I set a new record for closing my browser window when that painting popped up.
  8. Finally!!! Someone who understands how mp3's can HELP the music industry.
  9. I've read that they now use LAME to encode their MP3's. This is very good news because the LAME mp3 encoder creates the best sounding MP3's. I need my broadband back! How is life with your iPod, JL? Do you have one of the new models?
  10. Hey guys, Sorry I wasn't able to come and see you last Monday. I found out that vacationing with a one-year-old is not exactly a vacation We just couldn't find the time to get away. Well, next time I bring the family to Michigan, I'll definitely try to see y'all. FWIW, A friend spun me the new Bill Heid CD Da Girl! Very nice stuff. I think that CD may be a good album-of-the-week choice.
  11. Just don't tell these guys!!!
  12. These articles explain it better than I do. B) http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=106719 http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=106966
  13. If you are running Classic, you are running OS X. Classic runs on top of OS X. Do you have an OS 9 system disc? If so, try putting it in you CD-ROM drive. Then reboot the computer while holding down the 'C' key. Continue to hold down the 'C' key until you see a splash screen announcing OS 9. If you can't get to this point, then your Mac is most likely not OS 9 bootable. Let us know if you need any more help!
  14. This is so lame. -Jim Dye brought to you by
  15. I stole the thread from Hoffman.... Try the link now...
  16. http://www.theherald.co.uk/news/archive/25...103-0-7-58.html
  17. I Believe Chuck told me that the guy with his finger in the stacks is Billy Crystal's father Jack. I just love this pic.
  18. Gotcha covered, Paul!
  19. Mnytime, Check out www.junkdude.com. He has a decent selection of used saxophones. B3-er bought his horn from him and was quite satisfied. I think thats the one he sold to Jazz Kitten. I have an SML tenor that I have been playing for 20 years. I was lucky my parents found it. I didn't know for a long time what a great horn I had. SML was a French company that made some really nice sounding horns. They tried to compete with Selmer, but never got the recognition. Now, people are starting to realize how nice they are. junkdude has an SML tenor for 1400 bucks. Pretty reasonable and a good semi-pro horn. Might be worth trying out. Or, if you want to spend the big bucks, buy his Selmer Mark VI varitone tenor for $5200! Looks like a great horn. http://www.junkdude.com/saxes/saxophonesindex.htm
  20. Is OS 9 the same thing as what Mac calls Classic 9? OS X gives me several compatibilty problems with peripheral devices. The online Mac stores are offering 512 mgs of ram for free with purchase of some of the G4s. That means they ship with 768 mgs of ram. Kind of. Classic allows you to run OS 9 apps from within OS X. Booting OS 9 is different. You start your machine and run OS 9 as the only operating system. Classic is a bit rough. If you can, try booting your system from a OS 9 cd-rom. Then you can know for sure. Hope i'm making sense here...
  21. Just so y'all know...I left music retail in 1995. I didn't own the record store, I just managed one for 5 years in East Lansing. What Chuck said. One of the many reasons I had to leave the business. I did enjoy it while it lasted.
  22. Hey guys, I am going to try and check y'all out in Grand Haven on Monday night. I can't wait!
  23. I think a lot of professional (scientific and publishing) customers have been waiting to upgrade their PowerMacs for a long time. The G5s are a bit expensive, but you can save a lot by getting your RAM from someone other than Apple. I heard that they are planning on a G5 laptop. Rumors have been going around for a while. IBM may even be working on a PPC970 chip that runs cooler. One can only hope!
  24. Well, you sure didn't have a run-in like that at MY record store. If I ever found out about one of my employees doing something like that, I'd have fired them!
  25. They dropped the price of the G4's! Plus they can boot OS 9 again. You can get your dualie 1.25 now for only 1599.00. The single processor for $1299.00! Single processor specs 1.25GHz PowerPC G4 1MB L3 cache 256MB DDR333 SDRAM 80GB Ultra ATA drive Combo Drive ATI Radeon 9000 Pro Mac OS 9 boot supported Dual processor specs Dual 1.25GHz PowerPC G4 2MB L3 cache/processor 256MB DDR333 SDRAM 80GB Ultra ATA drive Combo Drive ATI Radeon 9000 Pro Mac OS 9 boot supported Pretty damn good price, I must say. I might just have to look into this. I always liked the look of these last G4's. Reminds me of an old Buick.
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