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Everything posted by Clunky

  1. This is right up there with Art’s best
  2. Sun Ra——-Monorails & Satellites Vol 1-3———-(Cosmic Myth) first impression of today’s arrival is off a nicely put together package. Sound is generally cleaner compared to the rather dull sound of the Evidence CD I have of Vol 1. There is some distortion evident on louder parts of Alter Destiny ( end of side 1) which I don’t hear on the Evidence CD. This may be because NoNoise buried that detail and others on the CD! Pressing quality as with other Cosmic Myth releases is very good- generally very quiet and excellent dynamics.
  3. Eronel- disc 2 is good. Departs a fair bit from Monk’s usual take.
  4. I’m afraid I ditched the Rod Levitt album pictured. I had to say goodbye to around 100 LPs in a vain attempt to keep the collection under control. It’s not bad by any means but didn’t grab me enough.
  5. Coe, Oxley & Co. ------------Nutty on Willisau---------(HatArt) This trio LP is new to me but has made a good impression. It was released on CD too.
  6. Thanks. I picked up a bunch of Fischer sides on Revelation/MPS and Discovery (jazzhouserecords.co.uk) Some solo stuff, lots with Gary Foster and his sort of Latin group- Salsa Picante. There’s not a dud amongst them.
  7. Mine too- pretty amazing value at £14 when I ordered it although it’s now listed north of £60
  8. Clare Fischer————Music inspired by the Kinetic Sculptures of Don Conard Mobiles————-(CF Records) Think Sun Ra soloing on a synth and you pretty much get the idea of what’s on offer here. CF Records seems to be a part of Revelation Records judging by the text on the sleeve. This and Great White Hope! offer up a very different side to the adventurous Fischer.
  9. Sad news- enjoyed his writing. Although not known to me personally all accounts I've come across suggest that he was someone of integrity.
  10. Really looking forward to hearing this. Should be with me next week.
  11. Very sad news
  12. Clunky

    Roy Hargrove

    Very sad. I recall a very fine gig in the early 90s .
  13. Charles Mingus ———Jazz in Detroit/ Strata Concert Gallery/ 46 Selden———(BBE) LP 1 of this set. First spin and I have to say......wow....I’ve not listened to much Mingus in a while but this will change that. LP set is nicely produced in a strong box and quality LP sized booklet.
  14. I’ve a handful of these Byas discs ( 3 or 4) on Jamboree. Really excellent sessions and very nicely recorded considering it was a small label.
  15. My solution is fairly similar. The Ortofon cartridge I use allows stylii to be swapped onto the same cartridge body. I’ve three 78 stylii made by Expert Stylus. Ortofon’s own 78 stylus isn’t great but Expert refit conical or elliptical stylii of various sizes replacing the tip. My turntable is an old transcription TT made by Lenco (GL75 ) these sold well back in the day and are widely available ( at least in eBay!)
  16. Horace Silver——The Jody Grind———( BN Liberty st) A favourite Horace platter of mine.
  17. It's not one I know (Not much noise) but it's definitely the sort of thing I'd enjoy
  18. Very sad news indeed. A musician of exceptional talent. He'll be sadly missed. I feel lucky to have seen him a couple of times and have thoroughly enjoyed his records for many years. A considerable loss especially given his comparatively young age.
  19. i'd agree that it is very poor practice to sell CDRs without clearly saying that's what is for sale. I've a small number of CDR purchases most dating back to the early 2000s. None of them still play ok.
  20. I've worked my way through the Savory collection and then onto the Teddy Wilson Brunswick/Columbia set. I've not bothered to do an AB comparison with my Hep discs but the sound of the Mosaic is really excellent. Some of the tracks are from 'vinyl test pressings'. When would these have been made. At the time of recording or decades later in the vinyl era i.e. 50s etc?
  21. Yes I found this too. I’ll need to cut a slither off .
  22. In some ways it feels as if the argument has come full circle. First McMaster got panned and RVG's masterings praised, then voices of concern were raised re RVG and some started professing that the McMasters' were the real deal all along. Meanwhile Malcolm Addey is ok but Larry Walsh not ok. My take as someone who really cares about the music is that none of this really matters. Advantages of certain masterings are always overstated as are the deficits of others. Personally I'm more fond of the McMasters I have as I've owned these longer and they feel part of my initial jazz education, when I bought sessions more slowly. By the time RVGs came along my basic jazz education was complete and then I hoovered up any sessions I didn't have.
  23. I think he did a great job on the whole. The McMaster CDs from the late 80s to 90s have stood the test of time pretty well. Hope he enjoys his retirement and can reflect on a job well done.
  24. I've now realised that I own Vol 2 and 3 but not 1 . Good music
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