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Posts posted by Clunky

  1. I could weep watching Arsenal these past few weeks. Gripless defence and just not enough attacking intent to make up for goals shipped at the other end. 

    Unai is the right manager but we need a boat load of better players. On current form we don’t deserve CL football next season. Don’t get me wrong it’d be outstanding to win the Europa League but we’d only get humiliated next season by the big boys.


    rant over......

  2. Ingrid Laubrock———Two works for orchestra with soloists——(Intakt)

    this has sat unopened for several weeks as I’ve been listening to a bunch of Kirk Knuffke discs in rotation. This however was well worth the wait. It’s a pretty outstanding piece of playing and orchestration. I find Intakt to produce discs consistently high standard . 

  3. Hal Russell ——-NRG Ensemble———(Nessa)

    prompted to look this out. Vital music, sounding utterly contemporary in the best sense. I recall being hesitant to check Russell out , fearing his music to be in some way forbidding. I couldn’t have been more wrong. It’s immediately engaging stuff which I’d highly recommend.

  4. David Wertman————Kara Suite——-(Mustevic Sound) 


    pulled this one randomly off the shelves for the first time in a while. Plenty of energy in this free jazz blow out. Charles Tyler and Ken Simon battle it out on the saxes. Drum, bass and a french horn make up the group. Recording is pretty dark to muddy but the music is clear enough. 


  5. On 18/10/2018 at 2:32 PM, jlhoots said:

    Kaja Draksler

    I’ve just come across Draksler on a trio disc on Intakt. The sound the group achieve on PUNKT.VRT.PLASTIK is pretty astounding. It’s been on repeat without leaving my CD player for nearly 3 weeks.

    Need to prise it out , to play the new solo disc by label mate Hawkins ....

  6. Sun Ra——-Monorails & Satellites Vol 1-3———-(Cosmic Myth)

    first impression of today’s arrival is off a nicely put together package. Sound is generally cleaner compared to the rather dull sound of the Evidence CD I have of Vol 1. There is some distortion evident on louder parts of Alter Destiny ( end of side 1) which I don’t hear on the Evidence CD. This may be because NoNoise buried that detail and others on the CD! Pressing quality as with other Cosmic Myth releases is very good- generally very quiet and excellent dynamics.

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