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Posts posted by Clunky

  1. I eventually found my LP set when walking the dogs to the park. The Hermes delivery operative had left it outside a house further down the street. Unfortunately for me my the occupiers were away so it sat outside in the open for 24 hours before I found it. No reply from either Hermes or Decca about the non delivery. Not confidence inspiring. Outer packaging was quite damaged but LPs so far seem ok. 

  2. 9 hours ago, mjazzg said:

    Sorry to hear about these tribulations.

    It is worth the wait :ph34r:

    Well after chasing Decca this morning I got no direct reply but I did get an automated email saying I’d receive the parcel this evening. Hermes have had my parcel for 10 days.  I then get another email saying it’d been delivered . Only snag is that whoever has received the set isn’t me. They are completely incompetent. Of no possibility of speaking with anyone to complain. I’ll try the neighbours in the morning 

  3. 12 hours ago, Olie Brice said:

    Cheers.  If it's of interest we're playing the Glad Cafe in Glasgow on Oct 3rd, first night of our tour.  No Edinburgh date I'm afraid...

    I’ll see what I can do. Venue looks cool and the Southside is up and coming according to my daughter a recent graduate from GU. Your concert is on the 2nd October. Don’t want to miss your own gig! Looking forward to the new release even if I can’t make it to the Glad Cafe.

  4. I’ve not been disappointed with the four .  BN80 releases I’ve picked up . Sleeves are unnecessarily poor I grant you but the pressings survive the static and sound pretty terrific. Alligator Boogaloo and Ethiopian Knights both sound very nice. I’ve no physical copy in any format to make comparisons with. Just sayin.... ....mind you I wasn’t upset by the Black Fire TP edition....

  5. I’ve now played both discs through several times. This is a really excellent release . I’ve failed to count electric piano, largely because I quite like a bit of it. There’s certainly at least one track on the second disc too . Highly recommended 

  6. 47 minutes ago, sidewinder said:

    The only thing that would stop me going berserk in that place is the current weakness of our £ !

    Too true. The Spaniards we met were a sympathetic lot for our plight. It’s odd feeling the pity of foreigners for our political situation.

    Regarding electric piano . The first track with it is Track 5 disc one. I’ve been unpacking as it’s been playing so it’s not had my full attention but that appears it for disc one. Not managed to get to disc two yet

  7. I picked this up yesterday at Jazz Messengers in Barcelona. I was very restrained there getting just this set plus a Wilson Simonal and Sergio Mendes (Great Arrival )

    First impressions of the Wilen are excellent. Beautifully recorded and the band sounds very well in sync with Wilen. I’ve only a modest amount of later Wilen in my collection but this seems like a good buy .

  8. I’ve not read the Hoffman thread but I have listened and relistened to Black Fire. I still can’t see what the fuss is about.

    The TP sounds wonderfully open and clear. I’ve got a N.Y. mono but haven’t done any comparison as life’s too short. I just fancied a nice stereo pressing...

  9. I’ve listened closely to Etcetera Tone Poet edition and I can’t hear any flutter. My system is pretty revealing on the whole. If it’s there it must be subtle. 

    I’m a real sucker for this session having the Conn CD, a 2012 Japanese CD reissue and now the TP edition. The biggest single step up sound wise was the Japanese CD which sounds clearer than the Conn. 

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