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Everything posted by medjuck

  1. KCLU Thousand Oaks/Santa Barbara. (Though they don't play much I'd call adventurous.)
  2. I'm a windows guy and I don't know anything about mac software, but since it's free you may want to check it out: http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/audi...finalvinyl.html Good site. I got the Griffin i-mic when I still had OS9. If you're still on it you can use "simple sound" which comes with OS9. The new free download on this site looks better than the share-ware for which I paid.
  3. Thanks for the suggestion. I just did the same thing-- though I had some trouble getting rid of the interior box.
  4. Has anyone here ever seen the film? How was the music used in it? It must have been edited. Did Miles have the film in mind when he did the recording? Obviously Macero had it mind when he created Yesternow. And why isn't there a reproduction of the original Lp cover in the box set? (It's barely visible on the back of the cd issue). I always liked it.
  5. According to AMG the Lp release of the Village Vanguard recordings had "Utter Chaos" as the last cut. But it's not on the cd, nor is it in the Mosaic box set. Was it really on the Lp? And though the booklet in the Mosaic box contains a listing of unrecorded-by-Verve CJB arrangements, the list doesn't mention "Utter Chaos" even though it obviously existed-- it leads off the "Swiss Radio Days" cd. (It's a very short piece-- Mulligan's theme I think.)
  6. I'll probably get stoned for this but I have both the Schaap version and the Definitive release and I prefer the latter. For a long comparison of the 2 go to: http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=a53fq...t&output=gplain I kept the Schaap only because I liked having the longer applause and setting up sounds as a record of the evening. I suspect that Definitve merely remastered using the CBS release. They did the same thing with their Charlie Christian live set: ripped off the Masterw of Jazz version. However in both cases they did a great job! As someone who make his living from intellectual copyright I've only assuaged my conscience by knowing that I've already bought several versions from Sony and that (I think) Masters of Jazz no longer exists and didn't pay royalties.
  7. Thanks. Then is there a bootleg from '65 recorded after the Plugged Nickel recordings?
  8. I thought I read a thread on this site about a '65 Miles bootleg called "Cote Blues" but now I can't find it nor can I find a reference to it on Peter Losin's Miles site. Can somone tell me about it or was I just having another acid flashback?
  9. Arggghhh.... I thought the Mulligans were being shipped this week. Well at least I should get the Basie and Davis boxes from CDUniverse next week. This is the most record buying I've done for months. Anything else important coming out before Xmas? I almost hope not.
  10. Arggghhh.... I thought the Mulligans were being shipped this week. Well at least I should get the Basie and Davis boxes from CDUniverse next week. This is the most record buying I've done for months. Anything else imortant coming out before Xmas? I almost hope not.
  11. I had Direct TV for about 5 years and quite liked it. I also had cable to get local stations. The last time I moved the guy Direct Tv sent to install the dish failed to turn up twice!! Meanwhile the cable guys came and offered me digital. (These guys seemed to know what they were doing for a change-- usually you get the 3 stooges). So I've now had the complete cable package for about a year. The image seems about the same, it's cheaper and you can get it for every tv set. (I hate to admit that we have about 5 in our house.) However they've yet to offer hi-def channels. I've got DSL so don't use the cable modem they offer quite cheaply. And -- believe it or not-- I've always found them helpful when I've had to phone them with problems. (Yes there are problems sometimes.) Does Direct tv still use those stupid cards to prevent piracy?
  12. The original "Stella" on Jazztrack was a combination of takes 3 & 7 and that's what's in the box set. Miles '58 has take 7 complete. I think Miles '58 is now out of print but I still see unopened copies in stores as well as lots of used ones. (Eric, if you can't find it anywhere I'll send you one.) Like the Teo Macero version of "Miles Ahead" I guess this is going to become a rarity.
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